Politicians are excel at two things, making promises and raising taxes. The lessor to the two proposed evils seems to be a sales tax. A sales tax spreads the cost equitably across all income levels and is a constant. An increase in property tax will continually vary, depending on the property's appraised valuation.
Also, a property tax is an unavoidable constant expense, where a sales tax is based on what is spent. Spend less, pay less. In years past, homeowners have born the brunt of increased spending by the county through increased property taxes. It's definitely time for a change.
There's an old argument that a sales tax hurts the "poor." Well, property taxes hurt everyone, home owners or renters, no matter what their income. Of course the "smart" thing to do is reduce spending, but that's another topic when elections come around.
James Kelly
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.