Arizona safety Isaiah Hayes (21) became a big contributor last year but has yet to play this year because of injury.

Notes and takeaways from the Arizona Wildcats’ media availability after practice Wednesday as the team continued bye-week workouts:

* UA coach Rich Rodriguez said he's “not too optimistic” about sophomore safety Isaiah Hayes being able to play this season. Hayes, who became a starter as a freshman last year, has been out since August because of a shoulder injury. “I’m not sure how long it’ll be,” Rodriguez said, “but right now it doesn’t look like he’ll be playing anytime soon.”

* With Hayes out, freshman Scottie Young Jr. has performed well at free safety, drawing praise from coaches and teammates since the start of training camp. "He’s jumped into the starting role like he’s been here for years,” Rodriguez said.

* Although he has gotten off to good start, Young made sure to offer this reminder: "It's still a learning process every week, every day."

* I asked Rodriguez if sophomore QB Khalil Tate’s playing style makes him difficult to evaluate in practice. “I don’t think his style of play has anything to do with it,” Rodriguez said. “Either you run the offense or you don’t.”

* Rodriguez added this about the now-healthy Tate: "He’s got to keep getting reps. He’s still learning. He’s such a young guy - 18 years old. But he’ll be OK."

* Freshman defensive tackle Kurtis Brown said senior Parker Zellers has helped him immensely while being out because of an ankle injury. Brown hasn’t started but basically has taken Zellers’ spot in the rotation. Zellers probably will return for the Colorado game next week.

* Defensive coordinator Marcel Yates moved from the booth to the field in Week 2. It seems to be working for the Wildcats. I’ll have more on why he did it and why it’s working later today.

* Why has the UA defense been better in general? Yates said the players understand his system and game plans better and that the coaching staff is doing a good job of communicating plans and expectations to the players.

* Is it too early to say the Arizona defense has turned a corner? "I think we have to some degree,” Rodriguez said, “but not to the point where I think we could be at."

* Despite big improvement this year, Rodriguez and Yates agreed that the defense can get even better on third down, especially third-and-long situations (see Utah game).

* Plans for Arizona’s new indoor football/multisport facility are being submitted to the Board of Regents, which meets today through Friday in Flagstaff. Rodriguez is among many who are "hopeful" the plans will be approved and the project will move forward

* Rodriguez said the new facility would help in recruiting. It would send a message about Arizona's commitment to football, as the Lowell-Stevens Football Facility did when Rodriguez was just getting started.

* Rodriguez said he has gotten "great support" from the administration, including new UA president Robert C. Robbins, whom Rodriguez said could even be an asset in recruiting.

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