Uncle Herbs

Did you forget Earth Day wasn't the only green-centric holiday on the calendar this week? That's right, it's April 20, which means it's time to celebrate 4/20!

While the origins of 4/20 are hazy (get it?) the curator of Oaksterdam Cannabis Museum in Oakland, California credits a code ("4/20 Louis," later shortened to just "4/20") started by a few San Rafael High School friends in the early 1970s.

The code's meaning? To meet at 4:20 p.m. at the school's statue of pasteurization pioneer Louis Pasteur. There's more about following a treasure map to find secret grow houses (really), but those are the broad strokes.

And now since marijuana is legal for recreational use in Arizona due to the passage of Prop. 207, Tucsonans and Southern Arizonans can meet at whatever time they choose to get their cannabis fix at one of the region’s many dispensaries.

While the most popular way to consume cannabis is to smoke it, edible consumption of marijuana has come a long way from the brownies your stoner buddy used to make down in the basement. 

A few quick notes on edibles:

• Most take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half to kick in, so it’s always better to take less than more if you aren’t sure of your tolerance level. The "30 minute rule" doesn't apply to liquid based (think sodas, juices, infused waters) edibles, which can have an almost immediate effect.

• Edibles come either individually packaged (usually containing a dosage of up to 10mg of THC or CBD) or in a set (with anywhere from 5-20 individual items) with no more than 100 mg of THC per package. Also, like combustibles, edibles must be consumed at home when taken recreationally.

• While most dispensaries carry cannabis edibles, supplies and products will vary by location, so it's always better to check online to see an individual dispensary's menu. See Weedmaps or Leafly to search the Tucson-area dispensaries and their menus. All of our suggested products can be found here in the Tucson area.

From cookies to gummies to drinks, here's a guide to some of the best edible cannabis products available in Southern Arizona:

Haze and Main Chocolates

These edible chocolates don’t sacrifice quality of product at the altar of taste, because these chocolates pack amazing flavor. 

While the chocolates and chocolate bars come in various flavors, our recommendation is the Cake Batter variety. It’s pleasing to the palate and also potent in its punch.

Price: About $20 before tax

Wana Gummies

Few brands have made themselves synonymous with edibles like Wana. These gummies, which come in various flavors as well as in indica, sativa or hybrid varieties, are pretty much ubiquitous across the United States.

We recommend the indica varieties, which for 4/20, should help keep you entertained during your movie marathon.

Price: About $20 before tax

Uncle Herbs Dried Fruit

Gummies don’t have the market cornered on fruit-based edibles yet! Those who appreciate some actual fruit in their fruit snacks will love the dried apricots, mangos, pineapples and cantaloupes.

Those who appreciate a good buzz will also be in luck, as each bag comes with ten pieces of infused fruit goodness.

Price: About $15 before tax

Amy & Al’s THC Cookies

Words don’t do justice to just how good these cookies are. Sold in packs of 10 with each cookie packing 10mg of THC each, these round mounds of goodness come in chocolate chip, peanut butter and our favorite – snickerdoodle.

You'll want to get your hand caught in this cookie jar over and over again.

Price: About $15 before tax

Wyld CBD Sparkling Water

A little different from our other recommendations, these flavored sparkling waters are nearly indistinguishable from their more widely known, non-cannabis infused sparkling waters.

While you'll appreciate the refreshing, hydrating tastes (Wyld comes in blackberry, orange, lemon and raspberry), the CBD-infused water offers more of a calming affect than a sense of euphoria.

Price: About $6 per can before tax


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