Now you can get your sandwiches, Ranch fries, frozen slushie drinks and caffeine all in one place ...

I feel anxious writing this up, like I'm about to unleash a fresh new terror onto the innocent masses. A sickeningly sweet, albeit tasty terror that may send us over the precipice, with no hope for recovery.Β 

But I guess I'm part of the press, so that's my job right? Anyway, Tucson's favorite slushie shop Eegee's has added a new flavor to the lineup, and it's called ... The Mochacheeno. Β 

The Mochacheeno is a blend of coffee and chocolate, topped with whipped cream, chocolate and caramel sauces. It tastes to me like one of those frozen coffees you get inside Gloria Jean's at the mall when you're 16 years old. But as Eegee's PR guy Robert Santiago pointed out, it's significantly cheaper at only $2.29 for a 16-ounce cup.

Since it debuted yesterday, reception on social media has been wild. The Mochacheeno Facebook post featuring a stately white cup over a cheery brown snowflake background has gotten over a thousand likes. Most people in the comments seem worried that the Mochacheeno might replace Eegee's flavor of the month, the Holly Berry, but rest assured ... it won't. The Mochacheeno is a separate addition to the menu, which may become permanent if enough people like it.Β 

I sacrificed the presentation of my Mochacheeno to bring you this mildly nauseating photo of the slush inside.

I tried it yesterday and I have this to say: Not a big fan of frozen coffee drinks! (Sorry guys, I guess I'm not the best person to judge this. Even when I drink Circle K coffee, which I do, I like it black with no sugar.) The Mochacheeno has more sugar than chocolate, and more chocolate than coffee. Flavor isn't bad though, just kinda sweet. When I took it back to the office, my coworker Samantha said it tasted like a "liquefied Little Debbie."Β 


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