Sharon Yang grew up with little access to books, but today she helps community members take advantage of the library’s many resources.

When I grew up, books were scarce because I lived in a small village in the Chinese countryside. In place of books, we had storytellers who told us stories after dinner, when children gathered around to listen to a neighbor who related all kinds of interesting tales. I still don’t know where all those stories came from, but we all listened, wide-eyed and attentive.

When my cousin brought classical literature back from big cities, I started to fall in love with these famous stories and written history. After that, I began to borrow more books from friends and relatives and learned more about the world outside. I started to dream about big cities — a bigger world beyond my village. Some of the popular books that I recall included translated versions of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and “Pinocchio.”

My first experience with the public library was very impressive. That was after I arrived in America 20 years ago. I visited Nanini Library and I asked for a few books. The librarian was super nice, and she reserved books for me. At that time I didn’t know about the library system and was awed by the services we could get for free. Little did I know that later I would become a librarian myself and work at that same library for 13 years. It wasn’t in my dreams as a child to become a librarian, but it has all worked out rather nicely, I think. As they say, life is full of surprises.

The first library I worked at was Himmel Park Library, which has a unique community. People asked for a wide range of books, and college students came to use our resources or reserve space for activities. New immigrants from all over the world came to ask about learning English. We started the first English Language classes in the system. We were lucky to have a retired professor volunteer to be an informal instructor. I am glad we now have system-wide English classes taught by trained volunteers, sponsored by our Welcome to America Team. It has been a huge success.

Tucson is such a diverse community with a lot of history and many cultures. During the pandemic, I explored areas and historical sites such as Honeybee Canyon, King Canyon, Bowen House, and Mission San Xavier del Bac. It was amazing to learn about the history of this unique place, about those who were here before and how we formed the fascinating community we have today.

Downtown Tucson is also full of rich cultural diversity and historical landmarks, not to mention the variety of food: Mexican, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Indian, and, of course, American. In this vibrant area, Joel D. Valdez Main Library is among other important noteworthy sites: Hotel Congress, the old Pima County courthouse and the Tucson Museum of Art.

Inclusion is a key element of our society, as well as in the library system, and it is what makes this country strong. Being a Chinese immigrant, I am aware how different cultures collide, but we embrace the differences and respect others. Each of us is unique in different ways. Yet, we embrace the same values of truth, kindness and beauty.

Biblio Lotus is a team within the library that was established during the pandemic in 2021. The team formed to fill in the service gap at a time when the Asian population is increasing in Pima County. The goal is to develop programs and create resources that highlight Asian culture. There is still a long way to go. We welcome community members who are interested in participating and want to share ideas. Community voices mean your voice.

I am proud of being a librarian at Pima County Public Library. I am proud of where I am from, and I am proud of Tucson — my second home. I love serving the community that I belong to.

As well as being enjoyable and relaxing, reading has been found to have a number of benefits for our mental health.

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Sharon Yang has worked for Pima County Public Library since July 2006 as an adult services librarian. She is a member of the Biblio Lotus and Welcome to America teams. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, traveling, drawing and Chinese folk dancing.