Dear Amy: My wife and I have been married for 23 years. Lately, she seems to be angry with me.

I ask her what is wrong, and she says "nothing."

I feel like I am being held hostage, wondering what I did wrong.

I am almost ready to pack up a few belongings and leave and not tell her why, but I love her to pieces and would miss her.

Lately she has had a lot of health issues and she seems to be miserable all the time.

I have tried to take care of her as best I can, and she always tells me how much she loves me, but I can't remember the last time we had an intimate moment. We are both in our 60s.

I feel like I have lost my best friend and the love of my life. I just don't know what to do.

β€” Perplexed

Dear Perplexed:Β You and your wife need to learn how to talk to each other.

Your impulse to leave without explanation only deepens the chasm between you. If you're going to leave, you should tell her exactly how you feel before you go.

Instead of asking your wife, "What's wrong" and taking "Nothing" as her answer, you should tell her how her behavior and attitude affects you.

Say, "You seem very unhappy, grouchy and angry lately. It makes me feel like I've done something wrong. I don't want to have such an angry marriage. Can we get back on track?" You should remind her that you are on her side.

She may tell you that when she doesn't feel well, she would rather not interact at all, but it is her responsibility to use her words.

Once you two start talking about your feelings, you should also talk about your sexual intimacy. Don't take your very long relationship for granted, and make a commitment to confront and work through your problems, even if it creates some uncomfortable moments for both of you.

Dear Amy: My father and I have always had a rocky relationship. He punched me, body slammed me and choked me when I was a teenager and living with my parents.

He's been an alcoholic my whole life. He lashes out at everyone around him. He understands he has an addiction but will argue with anyone who confronts him about it.

I moved out soon after I turned 18 because I couldn't stand living in the same house as him.

I am now 22, with a baby. I live with my fiance.

I usually spend time with my parents on Saturdays because I don't work and want to get out of the house.

Last Saturday, my father and I got into an argument and he ended up throwing my daughter's stuff into the yard. He proceeded to curse me out.

He has told my mother to not have any contact with me and to not let me into their house.

My dad's birthday will be coming up in a month and I do not plan on joining my family for the party. They pressure me to make amends.

Is it wrong of me to distance myself from my family because of something like this? Is it understandable that, until my dad gets help for his alcohol addiction, I do not want to be around him?

β€” The Black Sheep

Dear Black Sheep: You can give your daughter a better childhood than you were granted. Your instincts are great, and I urge you to marshal your strength and resolve to stay away from your family, at least for now.

Rather than spend time with your volatile and violent father, here are some things you can do on Saturday mornings:

Pack your coffee and meet a friend at the park to push your babies in bucket swings; go to your local YWCA or community center for baby swim or gym classes; head to the public library for Saturday story time.

Saturday mornings can be lonely for full-time parents. Engaging in group activities designed for parents and babies are a great way to meet and make friends. This could change your life dramatically.

Here's one more thing for you to do: Attend Al-anon (or another addiction support group) meetings ( You need help to see where you fit in your family system.

Let people who have walked your path, walk alongside you and your daughter. I'm pulling for you.

Dear Amy: I have disabilities that cause me to have a tough time using the standard stalls in the women's restroom.

I have to use the "handicapped" stall due to its size and the height of the commode, along with the grab bars. I also take water pills, so when I gotta go, I gotta go.

Every so often I have had to wait for a young person with obviously no difficulties to get done using the stall.

It really peeves me off when I have to wait!

Is it wrong for me to get so annoyed with people's inconsiderate behavior?

β€” Disabled in P-Ville

Dear Disabled: The stalls are there so that you, and any other person with special needs, can safely use a public toilet. If all the other stalls are occupied, anyone should use the larger stall in order to move the line along. That stall needn't stand empty, waiting for a disabled person.

These stalls are also useful for parents with young children, older people who use grab bars, anyone with a suitcase or stroller or large people.

Yes, if there are other stalls available and an obviously able-bodied person is occupying the handicap stall, you have every right to be annoyed.

If all the stalls are occupied, you should queue in front of the handicap stall door (because that is the only stall you can safely use). Yes, you may have to wait, but sometimes, that's just how things work out.

The kindest thing is for anyone in a bathroom queue to let anybody who has a greater need go first.

Dear Amy: Brava for your compassionate response to the judgy person signing her letter "Worried," who was upset because her friends took in a teenage boy with nowhere else to go.

Long ago, I was that kid. I went to live with our neighbors, and without them, I would not have made it.

β€” Grateful

Dear Grateful: "Worried" was concerned about the possibility for sexual misconduct in the household because of the boy's presence. There is without question an elevated risk, but this should not be an automatic assumption.

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Contact Amy Dickinson via email:ΒΒ Follow her on Twitter @askingamy or like her on Facebook. Amy Dickinson’s new memoir, β€œStrangers Tend to Tell Me Things: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Coming Home,” is available in bookstores.