"Tales from the Morgue" presents a collection of the most popular photo galleries on azstarnet.com in 2013 in reverse order. We have excluded mug shots, inmates and scantily clad cheerleaders, and come up with a list of the top 20.

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Photos of strange sights that make up the Old Pueblo and the retired Tucson Oddity series. This gallery originally ran April, 2013.

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Photos of Tucson's 2013 monsoon season. Includes images from Arizona Daily Star photographers and readers.Β 

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Congratulations to this year's 40 Under 40 winners. Co-hosted by the Arizona Daily Star and the Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the award…

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The 31st El Tour de Tucson was the first in the rain. Star photographers documented the riders sloshing their way to the finish during the 2013 race.