Cyclovia Tucson organizers say there will be no spring event this year. However, Living Streets Alliance says they expect to return with an event in October.

This spring’s Cyclovia Tucson of 2024 will not be taking place, organizers said Wednesday.

The popular events held on streets in different parts of the city that are temporarily closed to vehicle traffic resemble big block parties filled mostly with bicyclists, but also get participants who walk, skate or use scooters.

The cost of putting on the events has increased since the onset of the pandemic, “in some cases tripling in price,” said Emily Yetman, executive director of Living Streets Alliance, which organizes the events.

The nonprofit works “year-round to transform our streets into vibrant public places that bring people together and provide safe, accessible, and attractive transportation options,” Yetman said in an email.

While there will be no event this spring, Yetman says that the group “just finished” a 14-month long strategic planning process and have been continuing their advocacy efforts to ensure safe routes to school for kids.

Yetman also said the organization has “big plans” for the future of their Open Streets program, according to her email.

Cities like Portland, Ore., Madison, Wisc., New York City and Atlanta all have open street programs, and it’s a core function of Cyclovia Tucson.

In the past, the events encouraged Tucsonans to take to the streets and enjoy outdoor recreational activities. Up until this spring, Living Streets Alliance has hosted Cyclovia twice a year in which several event hubs pop up around the city where Tucsonans can enjoy food trucks, music and outdoor activities.

Cyclovia Tucson will return to Tucson streets in late-October, Yetman said.

“Right now with our limited resources we can only host two,” Yetman said Wednesday, but she hopes that the organization can get to a point where events are held six times a year, or “maybe even monthly.”

The group is seeking donations to put on more Cyclovia Tucson events.

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