We asked readers what they would like to say to Donald Trump, who will be sworn in as president on Friday, Jan. 20. These are some of the messages we received, some wishing him well, some offering constructive criticism. Please add your own.

They said it could never happen but you proved them all wrong. You won from the people’s heart. You have everything and you wanted the job only to show the love of your country. Some people doubt you, but now you will just have to show them all again. Your priority is to save our country. God be with you and bless you because now you and your staff have a mess to clean up.

Robert Kucsmas


Where to begin? A real president would cancel his Twitter account and read actual information from his advisors and government agencies.Kathleen DubbsWest sideYou will receive criticism, domestic and foreign. If you take everything personally, tweeting responses to each one, there aren’t enough hours in the day to still have time to perform the duties of the president. Think long and hard before responding. I pray that you do not unleash the power of this country’s military might, which is at your disposal. You may not agree with your critics or the media but they have their beliefs and should be allowed to be free to express them without fear of reprisal from the president.

Dave Glicksman

Northwest sideI hope you will keep your promise to not cut Medicare benefits. Seniors have enough problems in today’s economy without the loss of these benefits. Thank you for your consideration.

Wilma Reich

Northwest side

No, we do not trust you. Why? You have persistently given us no reason to.

George Laswell


You claim that selling your business is too much of a sacrifice for you and your family to make to avoid any potential scandals or violations of the Constitution. Then, as commander-in-chief, how will you be able to ask the military to make the ultimate sacrifice if you declare war?

Chris Sipp


I voted for you! I packed all my concerns and hopes for this country into a big bag and I laid them at your feet! Thank you for sacrificing your β€œnormal” life to fight for this country! I have been a responsible taxpayer for over 40 years and my concerns range from addressing the tax drain caused by sanctuary cities, to bringing quality jobs back to this country and making hard work and productivity something to be proud of again. I also apologize for the haters who continue to attack you and are an embarrassment to all.

Jody Rutt

East side

If Obamacare (ACA) is repealed without a replacement, my wife will not be able to obtain health insurance, as she is a cancer survivor and has a chronic neurologic condition. When ACA was adopted it replaced a private policy that covered her pre-existing conditions. She cannot go back to that policy if she loses her current ACA coverage (for one reason, it was issued in another state). She is not old enough for Medicare. Essentially, she would be uninsurable. We are both retired and live on our savings, which could be depleted by another catastrophic illness.

Greg Byrne


Be kind.

Claire Rogers

East side

My hope is that you: unite Americans; boost the American economy; create and/or bring jobs back to Americans; work with both sides of the β€œaisle”; be aggressive solving the terrorist problem; replace the ACA with something better; create an immigration policy that works and stops the flood of illegal immigrants into the U.S.; don’t undo the β€œDreamers” program and help those β€œDreamers” become citizens; repair relations with other nations of the world; do not cut Medicare and Social Security; do your job and take criticism constructively; check your ego at the White House door and stop tweeting.

Sharon Van Daele

Northwest side

MY President and Commander-in-Chief must lead with TRUTH and HONOR and INTEGRITY and COURAGE and RESPECT and HUMILITY and COMPASSION and EMPATHY. Will YOU be MY President?

Phil Bentley


It is with a great deal of amusement I watch and listen to the media chortle about your appointees disagreeing with your positions on different topics. Does it not occur to the media that these high-powered people were picked precisely for that reason? James Mattis, Ben Carson, Rex Tillerson, Mike Pompeo, et al are intelligent people with diverse opinions that they will bring to the table. This is not an administration that will need a β€œSafe Space” when they hear something they do not like.

Mark Wurz

Northwest side

Below are some recommendations that may help you in your new role as president: Begin acting presidential; stop lying; accept responsibility instead of always blaming others; do not conduct your politics via Twitter like a 5-year-old. Please remember, you are president of all people, not just for the rich and white. Improve our relationship with Russia, but avoid making it a love affair with Putin. Accept climate change, it is real; assume a leadership role. Do not cancel Obamacare, improve it and call it TLC (Trump’s Life Saver). Improve Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Create real jobs through better education for all, improved job training and areas like infrastructure projects and implementation of new technologies. Good luck to you and all of us for the next four years.

Gunter Pawlowski


As our President, I hope you will think of this country as a huge and diverse family, of which Tucson is just a microcosm. It’s a family much different from your own immediate family. It’s a family represented by people of a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, abilities and disabilities, needs, beliefs, sexual orientations, and ages, some with whom you will disagree, but all of whom will be looking to you for leadership and guidance. You will be a role model for the young, a source of help for those less fortunate. Please accept our differences with compassion and understanding.

Robert Swaim

East side

Now that you have the rare opportunity to be the next president of the United States, I hope you will approach this job with the thoughtfulness and consideration that it deserves. We, as citizens of the United States as well as the world, need you to be rational and well-informed before making decisions that will affect so many. Please take in as much information from as many educated sources as you can. Dismissing people that you may disagree with leaves everyone vulnerable. I hope that you may do well in this most important position.

Joan Pevarnik

East side

Tucson is a beautiful city at the foot of the Catalina Mountains. We are a diverse city that works well together. We expect the president of the United States to protect our rights to a quality public education and health care. We believe in working with our government to protect the state and national parks. There are fewer illegal immigrants crossing our borders, so do not build more walls but allow the undocumented children born here and their families without a criminal record to remain.

Marilyn Webb


As a Marine Corps Infantry veteran of Afghanistan, I am scared of your incoming presidency, Mr. Trump. I am scared for what it means for not only our military, but the lives of many across the globe who will be put at risk by you being president. I, unlike you, have fought for this country. I have friends who have died for this country, friends who have made real sacrifices. I have lost several more to suicide since returning home. I fought bravely overseas and will fight bravely for the rights of ALL people here in America!

Alex Aldridge


Thank you for awakening Americans to the fragility of our republic! Increasingly, Americans have exchanged facts and truthful reporting for distorted opinion masquerading as news and replaced critical thinking with hate-filled talk radio, and siloed Internet sites. You may be tweeting to your base, but you have mobilized the complacent, the compassionate, the disenfranchised and the patriotic voters who have been silent for too long. My heartfelt message to you, your congressional cronies and all elected officials: Ignore us at your political peril! We are mobilizing and we will take our country back.

Cheryl Phillips


Mr. President, please watch β€œThe Crown” on Netflix and be schooled on being faithful to the Constitution; honorable in your new office; know the balance of power in governing; respect all people in our country and the sovereignty of other countries and our alliances; and most important β€” the power of silence. Superglue your Twitter fingers together, keep your mouth shut, and straightjacket your arms to your body and then perhaps you can hear the majority of U.S. citizens, who didn’t vote for you.

Chuck Jones

Northwest side

Remember that you are now the leader of ALL the people of America. True leadership will entail reaching out even to those who did not vote for you. Getting fewer votes than your opponent is not enough to be considered a mandate. What you say, write and type will change the course of history. Such is the power of the presidency. Regardless of the ease of tweeting, it is a terrible method of communication. Govern with consideration, moderation and compassion and you will win the respect of even those who did not vote for you.

Don Vandine

Sierra Vista

Some well-intentioned advice: cut back on Twitter. Facing criticism comes with the job of president. It may be better to take a deep breath and let it pass instead of responding to every negative comment. Try to avoid a besieged, bunker mentality. A TRULY strong person can show humility and realize that he does not know everything and can be wrong. Finally, we still want to see those tax returns. Their release could enhance your credibility.

Ronald Pelech


Remember that you are the president of all the people, not just those who voted for you. Avoid useless and expensive (in resources and people) foreign wars β€” bring our boys and girls home. Help America become a positive force for peace, not warfare. Build peaceful relations with other countries through fair trade and joint humanitarian programs. Make America great in the eyes of the world by being an example of freedom, charity and mutually beneficial trade agreements.

Dennis Winsten

Northeast side

We need a leader who can focus on US! You cannot continue to focus on yourself, as you have in the past and have continued to do in the days before you become president. WE THE PEOPLE and the office of the presidency deserve nothing less. YOU are not as important as the office you represent. This is not a partisan issue. WE need your undivided attention in matters that affect all Americans. Know that there will be detractors regardless of what you do. Get over it! Be the President! We cannot succeed without your support and YOU cannot succeed without the support of the majority of Americans.

Robert Bedotto


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