TheΒ New Yorker's Amy DavidsonΒ has a terrific piece up listing 13 women -- 11 Democrats, 2 Republicans -- who she argues should consider running for president against Donald Trump in 2020.

Chris Cillizza of the Washington PostΒ took Davidson's premise slightly farther, offering his own rankings -- in terms of the likelihood they run and the chances they could win the Democratic nomination -- of the 11 women that Davidson highlights. (As of Monday, a Republican primary challenge to Trump seems too unlikely to delve too deep into who might do it.)

Cillizza says one name Davidson doesn't mention but who would be, without question, the strongest potential female nominee (and maybe the strongest nominee period) is outgoing First Lady Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama is on record -- late last year in an interview with Oprah Winfrey -- saying that she has zero interest in running for president. If she did ever change her mind, however, she would be a fascinating candidate -- especially since she appears to be Trump's kryptonite.

To the rankings!
