Anti-Biden letters expose contempt

Of late, anti-Biden letters are increasing. But as they all say the same thing, one letter would do. They are β€œtit-for-tat” letters listing President Biden’s sins of commission and omission, taunts that expose the authors’ fury and frustration.

Such rants can only come to an end with the famous last word, β€œOh, yeah.” Not very illuminating, and we are right where we began, only louder. So I no longer β€œtat” in anger. That is a big relief. But sadness settles in where anger roosted.

How can such righteous anger as is exposed in the letters of contempt take over minds? There must be some deep disappointment or persistent anxiety that feeds the authors’ words. Sad.

John Wilson


Thoughts about new Star Opinion Editor

So just who is Curt Prendergast? He has been the Star’s border reporter, most notably doing critical stories about Trump’s building of the border wall in Arizona, citing impacts on the environment, wildlife, and contractors involved. He recently won an award for his article on voters deciding the fate of the wall.

Well, thank goodness Trump built the wall in Arizona. Otherwise, I think we might be having hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants crossing the border in Arizona, as has occurred in Texas. The Border Patrol, who are experts on border security, will tell that the wall is effective in halting, slowing and acting as a deterrent to illegal entry.

Of no apparent concern to Prendergast and the undocumented immigrant sympathizing Arizona Daily Star. Prendergast has not written any critical stories about Biden’s border policies, which have caused a 20-year high number of undocumented immigrants encountered by the Border Patrol.

We needed a politically impartial person to follow Sarah Garrecht Gassen’s departure. Unfortunately, another Democrat Progressive has taken her place.

Rosalinda Vasquez

Southwest side

Same standard for men and women

In my fantasy world, I wave my magic wand and decree: any man seeking a vasectomy must be subjected to similar requirements and societal abuse as any woman seeking an abortion.

Barbara Goldman

West side

Break up the Democratic Party

In light of the deep, and seemingly intractable, divisions between the progressive and moderate wings of the Democratic Party over the infrastructure bill and social spending, it might be time to think seriously about breaking up the party into two entities.

The progressive wing can establish their own liberally oriented party or join ranks with the Democratic Socialists of America. Moderate Democrats can then open their door to welcome disaffected moderate Republicans who former President Donald Trump has shunned. After all, such Democratic senators as Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are much closer ideologically to Republican Sen. Mitt Romney and Congressman Adam Kinzinger than they are to Sen. Bernie Sanders and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The new Democratic Party would be much more in tune with the values of mainstream America and would be tough to beat in national elections by either the radical left or the radical right.

Adnan Almaney

Southwest side

Backlog at ports

Because of the loss of American jobs to Asia and in particular China, we have lost our ability to function as a viable entity. So much is produced outside of America that any hiccup can cause problems. These jobs have been lost regardless of which party is in power over the past 60-plus years.

The answer is to copy China. They make it easy to promote industry by subsidizing. Our private industries cannot compete. We did it to win World War II and still do for defense. Just declare a product of national importance and find the way to subsidize. Start with drugs and medical products.

It took 60 years to get to where we are now. It will take decades to reverse, but if we don’t start we will continue to lose our worldwide status. We are in a death spiral. It may be too late already to reverse.

Jack Walters

Northeast side

Improve quality of life for Americans

President Biden’s Build Back Better bill will provide pre-kindergarten instruction for 3- and 4-year-old children, two years of community college, expansion of home care for older and disabled Americans, lower prescription costs for seniors, dental care and eye care for Medicare recipients, and a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. If passed by Congress, this legislation will improve significantly the daily lives of millions of American families.

It is time for our elected politicians, on both sides of the aisle, to cast aside political concerns, put the interests of their constituents ahead of their own needs and aspirations, and provide benefits to American citizens that have been available for decades in most of Western Europe.

Stuart Sellinger

Northwest side

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