This photo made available by the U.S. National Archives shows a portion of the first page of the United States Constitution.

Pathway to unity is a simple one

One of the most troubling questions frequently asked throughout America today in all walks of life is, especially after observing the anniversary of 9/11, when will we as a nation set aside our individual differences and become once again people of prideful β€œunity?”

Not just in a universal sens,; but in personal relationships that challenge us from day to day. When? Hopefully when the β€œadults” in the room ensure that our public education systems at all levels preach and teach β€œunity.” That’s it!

One pathway for developing the foundation for the commitment to the inherent values of β€œunity” is offered to us by Robert Fulghum, author of β€œAll I Really Need to Know, I Learned In Kindergarten.” A classic. Regardless of age or grade level, none of us are too old to learn. Just show up for class. Yes, it’s that simple!

Don Weaver


Show respect to one another

Re: the Sept. 8 letter β€œThe great divide.”

We are all Americans. It doesn’t matter what is in front of the hyphen, it ends as American. We the people means all Americans. All the name-calling, berating and vocal assaulting does not change the fact this is a fellow American one is talking about. We the people have earned our respect. So if you are a politician, show some respect for the Americans who voted for you. If you are a news reporter, show the proper respect for the Americans you are interviewing. Our politicians and our media have lost their respect for their fellow Americans. Let us get back to 9/11/2001. Unite against the enemy and show respect for your fellow Americans.

Larry Cory

West side

Make vax status a triage factor

Re: the Sept. 14 letter β€œWithholding treatment not the answer.”

Withholding treatment based on triage selection is reasonable when limited resources are available. With COVID, the limited resource is the number of people who can successfully operate ventilators without killing the patient. When there are two patients requiring an organ transplant and one organ available, do you think the patient who has not made changes to his lifestyle should receive the organ? Should two patients in a vehicle accident, where one patient hadn’t been wearing a seatbelt and is ejected from and rolled over by his vehicle and the other victim was wearing a seatbelt and sustained fewer life-threatening injuries, be treated equally when treatment resources are limited? When you refuse COVID vaccination, you called the tune. Now it’s time to pay the piper.

James Abels


Give Constitution a read this week

Sept. 17-23 is Constitution Week. In 1955, the Daughters of the American Revolution petitioned Congress with a resolution, making this a week to observe the Constitution of the United States as the foundation of the American form of government. It was signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on Aug. 2, 1956.

This year marks the 234th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution, and the 230th anniversary of the ratification of the first 10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights. The Constitution is a living document that assures each citizen enjoys the freedoms Americans cherish and appreciate.

Take this week to read, know and understand this wonderful document that has withstood the tests of time. We, the people of the United States, have the responsibility to keep the Founding Fathers legacy alive by promoting the ideals they fought valiantly to give their descendants.

Debra Kielley

West side

Let’s do our part to stop bad bills

Thank you to all the readers who have written to point out the some of the bad bills that were recently passed at the end of the last Arizona legislative session. Three of these bills would greatly reduce taxes on the wealthiest thereby negating Prop. 208 as well as drastically reducing tax revenues for other necessities. Three others are aimed at, in the end, reducing the voting rolls.

In order to see what these bills do and when and where you can sign petitions to put these bills β€œon hold,” please go to

These petitions simply put these bills on the 2022 ballot and let the people of Arizona decide. Please, time is of the essence.

Aaron Essif


Biden, Dems want crisis to continue

Biden wants mandatory vaccines for nearly every person in the United States, except Congress and their staffs, U.S. postal workers, undocumented immigrants and Afghan refugees.

At the same time, American citizens are threatened with the loss of their jobs, income, and employment by being threatened with β€œvaccine” mandates, while possibly COVID-carrying undocumented immigrants are distributed into America.

Biden publicly stated that he would not mandate vaccines to the general population of America. Now he is doing the exact opposite. Biden is a liar. Furthermore, Biden and his β€œmandates” make absolutely no provision for natural COVID immunity acquired by surviving COVID.

Chairman Joe Biden and the Democrats are more than happy to lock down America to needlessly continue this crisis.

Loren Charles


Abortion curbs hurt the poor

I used to say that I wished I could be a Republican because their bumper stickers were on much nicer cars. But it really is indicative that the Republicans represent people who tend to be better resourced than others. I look at the laws recently passed in Texas. They really only affect the poor. If wealthy women want or need an abortion, they will get one. So, once again, it is poor people that bear the burden of Republican legislation.

Chris Pinhey


Working dogs were left behind

Here’s something else to be horrified about:

Working dogs belonging to military contractors were left behind in Afghanistan. Those intelligent, brave, loyal dogs, left!

But it you’re not a dog lover, think of the price of their training β€” thousands per dog.

Leaving planes, guns, etc. is stupid enough, but those dogs were/are live members of a team!

Kay Juhan


Milley acted with courage

General Mark A. Milley’s actions were courageous.

I believe he exemplifies what a true hero is. He kept us safe regardless of the personal cost.

Susan Dabbs

East side

Enduring myth about video games

A recent writer resurrected the old belief that video games are responsible for violence in America. The entire world plays these games. 2019 Japan had 319 murders, 2020 Norway had 31. Chicago on a bad weekend comes close to Norway. If the games are to blame why aren’t these other countries affected?

Craig Miller

Northwest side

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