Thankful Biden confronts Putin

The world is in a crisis now, but thank God we have President Joseph R. Biden in charge. He has assembled a global band of brothers in standing up to the Russian dictator President Vladimir Putin. One can only imagine the horror we would have now, if the apologist failed former President Donald Trump was in charge. Always remember that disgraced Trump called Putin a best friend and a genius. Trump’s weakness is now on full display for all.

David Keating

Northeast side

Electric cars and Russia

However you feel about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, preserving good relations is essential in transitioning to electric vehicles. In addition to oil, Russia has enormous reserves of magnesium, vanadium and nickel.

A thought experiment might help achieve a little more understanding, if not sympathy for Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine. If you were an American president watching the steady buildup of Mexican military capability by an alliance of foreign powers, a buildup which you had cautioned for more than 30 years could not be tolerated, what would you do? Throw in the expenditure of more than $5 billion to “promote democracy” and a violent coup d’etat that overthrew a democratically elected government and replaced it with one bent on reclaiming the territory it lost in the Mexican-American War and ridding itself of U.S. citizens living in Canada.

Best not to mix geopolitics and business. There are no saints in either profession.

Steven Lesh

East side

Nuclear war or nuclear ban?

Re: the March 13 article “Is Tucson still a nuke target?”

Thanks to David Teter for reminding us that however unthinkable, we should not stop thinking about Tucson as a nuclear target. Left unsaid in this article is that not only would nuclear war “destroy the nation’s transportation, communication, power, water and manufacturing capabilities,” but it would overwhelm health care, public safety and emergency response as well. Just a handful of nuclear blasts could also create a “nuclear winter.” The radioactive ash from burning cities like Tucson will poison the rain and dim the sunshine for years, wreaking global havoc with food production.

But it is not hopeless. It’s a long shot, but the majority of the nations on earth have already blazed the trail by adopting and ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Now it’s our job in the nine nuclear nations to delegitimize these weapons and demand our governments join this treaty.

Jack Cohen-Joppa


Manchin should move to Russia

Just read where Sen. Joe Manchin said, “I don’t want to have to be standing in line waiting for a battery” regarding electric vehicles. Joe, if life were only that difficult! Because you refuse to back any version of Build Back Better, many Americans are standing in line for basic needs. The nation is waiting on much-needed climate change legislation, and I just recently heard you will oppose the president’s candidate for the Fed on climate issues. Perhaps, Joe, you should move to Russia. People there, who place themselves above all others, can become president. I mean, Vladimir Putin is older than you, and he needs a successor. I am not a radical liberal progressive. But, I know that one senator can’t place himself above the majority needs; yet you consistently do. Can I donate to your ticket to Russia?

Norman Patten


Who will fight for freedom?I wonder if Russia invaded the U.S. would Americans come together and fight for our precious democracy like the brave Ukrainians, or would some welcome Vladimir Putin with flowers and open arms?

N.C. Arnold

Green Valley

Connections to Ukraine

I have two connections to Ukraine. Three of my grandparents were born there, and came to the USA as children. My father’s mother lost most or all of her family in the 1940s, when the Nazis brutally killed entire Jewish towns. I was only 3 when she died so did not get any details. In 1996, when I still lived in Atlanta, I volunteered with the Ukrainian Paralympic Team. I am very concerned about them and their families. Life is awful for most Ukrainians now; how much worse would it be for people who cannot walk long distances to escape?

Debbi Golden-Davis

East side

Trump was right on energy issues

Donald Trump enacted pro-oil and natural gas drilling and exportation policies like Keystone and ANWR. The results were lower energy costs for Americans. I believe Trump did not want America to be dependent on dictator countries like Russia for our fuel supplies and saw energy independence as a national security issue. He publicly criticized Germany’s Angela Merkel for doing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline deal with Russia, saying it could lead to energy blackmail and enrich Russia. Trump placed sanctions on that pipeline, which Biden lifted. There is already a Nord Stream 1 pipeline still carrying oil and gas from Russia to Europe! Trump condemned NATO countries for their decades of not spending pledged amounts of GDP on military defense. He was successful in getting NATO to increase their defense budgets. However, it is only now, after Russia invaded Ukraine that NATO has awakened to the need of spending more. Meanwhile, reports are that leaders in Saudi Arabia and UAE rejected phone calls from Biden pleading for higher oil production. Brilliant, Joe!

Mike Wayne


GOP betrays its own values

I remember once Bill Maher said he would be a Republican if only they were. Once they were for a strong defense, not sucking up to tyrants. Fox News and Donald Trump both have voiced pro-Putin views, “he’s a genius,” etc. Supposedly they wanted a balanced budget, which last happened under Bill Clinton, and for a smaller government, which grew greatly under Trump and George W. Bush. They passed tax breaks for the rich. I think trickle-down economics contributed to the deficit that benefited only the wealthy. And lastly a government that isn’t involved in citizens’ lives, if only that were so.

Craig Miller

Northwest side

Disheartening division in US

Today’s America has become divided and it is disheartening. To me, our two-party system has made this possible. We elect representatives based on our party affiliation even if the representative is not worthy of the honor we are bestowing on them. My vision would be for all of us to ask to change our voter registration to “other.” That would tell these politicians that they serve us, we do not serve them. They would actually have to tell us what they believe in and what they would do if elected instead of telling us how awful the “other party” is.

In Arizona, you can still vote in the primaries if you don’t declare a party affiliation. When you ask for a ballot, you can choose a party at that time.

I never want to hear a president say they want “my people” to sit at attention like they do for another authoritarian leader. We are not their people, they are our representatives.

Donna Pierce

Northeast side

More anti-wolf legislation in AZ

The Arizona House passed HB 2181 prohibiting state authorities from stopping anyone from killing a wolf who feels “threatened” by one. It’s a confusing bill, given that Mexican gray wolf numbers were decimated for decades, resulting in current federal protections under the Endangered Species Act.

This legislation is anti-wolf, similar to other state bills that have been in direct conflict with the Endangered Species Act and ignore the science of extensive wolf research, which indicates wolves are sentient, socially oriented animals that thrive as a family unit. Killing an alpha wolf rips apart the cohesion of a family and destroys its continuity.

Wolves successfully balance ecosystems by preventing overgrazing of ungulates through predation. Wolves have been baited, trapped, poisoned, tortured, gassed, shot and killed since European settlers arrived.

For decades our government set up bounties and almost exterminated wolves. Arizona legislators cause confusion and sanction wolf killings when they support anti-wolf bills. Tell your legislators to protect Arizona wolves.

Linda Dugan


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