Analysts say $27.5 million in campaign contributions is no guarantee Sen. Mark Kelly will win against a fairly well-funded group of GOP challengers in a tough year for Democrats.

Kelly lowering
our health costs

Families across Arizona have faced exorbitant costs for health care and medicines. And with the prices of other necessities like gas and groceries rising, the last thing we need are excessively high health care costs, too.

Sen. Mark Kelly has worked hard to lower health care costs for Arizonans. By voting for the American Rescue Plan, lower health insurance premiums have given more Arizonans access to affordable care. He is also fighting to bring down the cost of prescription drugs by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices. Kelly supports a bill that would cap out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35 per month, ensuring that Arizonans with diabetes can afford the lifesaving medicine.

We need our representatives to stand up to Big Pharma and fight hard to bring down health care costs and make sure Arizona families can pay their bills and get the health care they need. Please join me in supporting Sen. Kelly to do just that.

Bobbi Zimmer


Voting proposals
to hurt GOP, too

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is attributed to Bert Lance, former director of the Office of Management and Budget for President Jimmy Carter. That should apply to the electoral process in many states. However, several states are enacting laws and election officials to prevent voter fraud. These proposals, and in some cases already laws, affect how voting takes place, i.e., eliminating mail-in-voting, early voting, reducing the number of polling places, eliminating drop boxes, making voting only one day, proposals concerning the makeup of voting officials and the list goes on. Why? Because all of the changes reduce the number of voters. All of the proposals come from Republican lawmakers, most of which justify their proposals on "possible fraud," not actual verified fraud. Is it because more voters/votes are for Democrats and fewer for Republicans? I believe so. What the Republicans don't realize is that all of these proposals affect Republican voters, too. They are like a circular firing squad.

Jerry Lujan


An Arizona sports
crossover fantasy

As I have watched in amazement this year's phenomenal progress related to our University of Arizona men's basketball team, a really cool vision comes into my mind.

Athletic Director Dave Heeke needs to introduce head men's basketball coach Tommy Lloyd to head football coach Jedd Fisch and present the idea of Oumar Ballo picking up and throwing around a pigskin.

As I see Oumar grab a rebound, kick out the ball, run down court like a locomotive, stop and dunk for two ... I fantasize about him lining up at tight end, running a precise pass route, jumping eleven feet in the air, catching the football and bowling over five defenders as he streaks for the end zone.

If you don't think this can happen then think about Antonio Gates, 16-year veteran of the NFL as a tight end who played only collegiate basketball for my alma mater, Kent State University.

There is plenty of Oumar to go around! Get talking Dave, Tommy, Jedd ... then go ask Oumar.

Bert Hanson

Northwest side

Militarily push
the invaders out 

Dear President Biden,

Vladimir Putin must be stopped. He will always threaten to use nuclear arms as leverage to get what he wants. The only thing to stop Putin from killing innocent people and destroying Ukraine is our military.

Putin has already started the Third World War. Of course, you and the USA will be blamed; so be it! We know that isn’t true! Are we going to wait to help them until there is no one left to help in Ukraine?

We cannot stand by and watch this madman slaughter these incredibly brave people!

We have children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and dear friends whom we want to protect. Withholding our military from fighting against Putin is putting our loved ones in even greater peril. The only thing Putin understands is bullets and bombs. The time is now!

We implore you to send in our military into Ukraine and kick Putin back to Russia.

Mary Donovan-Popa

Southwest side

Additional oil
is no solution

Re: the March 10 letter "America must produce more oil."

This letter states that “Washington needs to wake up and smell the petroleum,” that environmentalists are a “cabal of radicals” engaged on a “quixotic pursuit of environmental purity” and that increasing our oil production is the best way to weaken Russia.

Not to dwell on how many months/years it would take to significantly ramp up domestic production, nowhere in the letter is there any reference to global warming.

I guess that isn’t a problem, after all — just stick our heads in the sand and pretend there is no such thing.

That strategy worked out well in dealing with COVID when it surfaced two years ago, didn’t it?

David Steinberg

Northwest side

A reminder that
Ducey is a kid

I was taken aback by Gov. Doug Ducey's comment, referring to rising gas prices, that "It's like nothing we've seen in our lifetime." At first I thought that perhaps the governor's lifetime has only been a couple of decades long, but of course he would probably not have been able to win the state's highest office as an adolescent. Then I realized that Ducey's "lifetime" is indeed a lot shorter than that of many of his constituents, myself included, for whom memories of the 1970s have not faded away, in spite of our comparatively protracted "lifetimes."

Steve Robinson

Oro Valley

Trump supporters
don't back Putin

Re: the March 16 letter "Trump 'patriots' cheer on Putin."

In response to accusations made by your letter writer, I am a proud Trump supporter and do not know of a single Trump supporter that is in favor of Vladimir Putin’s tyrannical actions. And in fact, neither is Donald Trump or Tucker Carlson. If you actually spent the time to watch Carlson’s program you would know that. 

Susan Antonopulos

Sabino Canyon

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