As a member of the Pima County Board of Supervisors for the past four years, I’ve witnessed a range of leadership styles and abilities across departments and roles. It’s overwhelmingly clear to me that the current leader of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department is failing and must be replaced — that’s why I’m proud to endorse Heather Lappin for sheriff.

When it comes to running a law-enforcement agency, the top priorities must be competence and proven leadership. For nearly four years, I’ve seen firsthand what happens when those qualities are lacking.

Matt Heinz

Under the current leadership, our community has witnessed a shocking and tragic number of in-custody deaths, repeated instances of budgetary mismanagement, lapses in accountability, a department mired by low morale, and a disturbing failure to properly investigate serious sexual assault allegations within the department. In fact, a recent report from Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes’ office outlined multiple ways the Pima County Sheriff’s Department violated its own policies in the handling a reported rape of a deputy by her supervisor.

These are not isolated incidents. They are part of a broader pattern of failed leadership that has undermined public trust.

Heather Lappin offers us a decisive break from the issues burdening the current administration. A 19-year veteran of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department and the mother of someone fighting addiction, she has firsthand experience, the leadership ability, and sense of duty required to rebuild public trust. In her, I see someone who will break the status quo to elevate the entire department so it can better serve the people of Pima County.

As a commander in our ailing county jail, Heather has perspective and ideas garnered from the inside on how to better serve individuals struggling with mental health issues and substance abuse. Reassuringly, since she arrived at the jail late last year there hasn’t been a single in-custody jail death, a notable break from recent years.

From allocating more money to medical treatment in the jail to strengthening policies on in-custody mental health care and improving department morale, Heather’s priorities are sensible, compassionate and will ultimately make Pima County safer for every single resident of our community.

This election we have the opportunity to elect a sheriff who can deliver. Over the past four years Chris Nanos has demonstrated he is unfit for the role. When I fill out my ballot I’ll be voting for competence, leadership, and integrity — I urge the voters of Pima County to join me in supporting Heather Lappin for Sheriff.

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Dr Matt Heinz is a Pima County supervisor, hospital physician, former state legislator and small business owner.