The following is the opinion and analysis of the writer:

Bruce Burke

In this year’s election, the critically important down-ballot race for the Tucson Unified School District (TUSD) Governing Board deserves our attention. Tucson’s largest school district is at a turning point, and the outcome of this election will determine whether recent improvements in student achievement continue. Two candidates stand out as clear choices: Natalie Luna Rose and Dr. Ravi Shah.

Both Natalie and Ravi were first elected to the board four years ago, and during their tenure, TUSD has made significant advances in support of students and teachers. As board members, they have been good stewards of the district’s finances and educational programs. They have worked responsibly with the Superintendent, Dr. Gabriel Trujillo, striking a proper balance between the need for effective and independent oversight of the administration and collaborative leadership in partnership with the Superintendent. Their focus on directing funds to students and schools has resulted in TUSD having the lowest administrative spending of any school district in Pima County. This efficient management ensures that resources are used where they matter most — in classrooms.

Perhaps Natalie’s and Ravi’s most notable achievement has been their leadership in helping to pass TUSD’s $480 million bond package last year, the first successful bond drive for the district in a generation. The funds from this bond are bringing much-needed improvements to each of TUSD’s schools, enhancing safety, security, and funding much-needed classroom upgrades. These upgrades are benefiting students, teachers, staff, and the wider Tucson community. As someone who had the privilege of serving on the TUSD Bond Campaign Committee, I witnessed firsthand the dedication and leadership that Natalie and Ravi brought to this successful effort.

As parents of current TUSD students, both candidates bring a personal commitment to enhancing student achievement, and their leadership has been pivotal in driving the district’s recent advances in this realm. Historically, the district had been challenged when it came to student success. In 2017, 26 of its schools were rated “D” or “F” by the Arizona Department of Education, with fewer than 20 schools earning an “A” or “B.” Today, the situation has dramatically improved: 53 of TUSD’s 83 letter-graded schools now have an “A” or “B” rating, only a few are “D” schools and none failing. In another sign of substantial progress, this spring, the Department of Education informed TUSD that for the first time ever the district as a whole earned a “B” rating. This substantial recent progress shows that while there is still work to be done, TUSD is decidedly on the right path, a path that both Natalie and Ravi are committed to pursuing.

As a former TUSD school board member, I have closely followed the service of these two candidates to our community. In my view, Natalie Luna Rose and Dr. Ravi Shah have earned our continued support. They have the experience, vision, and commitment needed to keep TUSD moving forward. Please join me in voting for Natalie Luna Rose and Dr. Ravi Shah for the TUSD Governing Board.

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Bruce Burke is a former TUSD Governing Board member and a retired attorney. He recently served on the Executive Team of the TUSD Bond Campaign Committee.