Just before Christmas the Star printed side-by-side opinion columns about President Joe’s swan song. I like this format and if you do too, tell our editor. Both long articles are worthy of a full read but the crux is summed up in the first few words of each.

The column appropriately positioned on left side of the page proclaims that the President must use the unspent trillions in his slush fund to dictatorially shore up civil service, ERA, military, etc. during his last days to strengthen our Democracy.

Column right declares that Democrats should return power to Congress and the courts and that the American experiment can be summed up in one big idea: Don't put too much power in one place, i.e. executive branch agencies issued 2,018 regulations in 2023 but Congress passed only 65 bills.

If you voted for column right you should be feeling pretty good about the preservation of our Republic right now.

Jeffrey McConnell

West side

Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.

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