Infrastructure crucial for AZ

I am pleased to see Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is in a position to deliver a win for Arizona infrastructure. Our population continues to grow while roads and transportation systems fall behind. The White House says there are 132 bridges and over 3,100 miles of highway in poor condition in our state, increasing commute times and forcing drivers to pay an average of $614 per year for damage caused by bad roads. Funding from the infrastructure package will be crucial for transportation in Arizona, such as extending the 202 freeway and light rail.

As a member of the Southwest Carpenters Local 1912 for over 15 years, I can tell you firsthand how federal investments in infrastructure create good jobs and improve our community’s quality of life. I am proud to have served as the general foreman for Kiewit on the Northwest Light Rail extension in Phoenix. Moreover, I appreciate that Sen. Sinema is fighting for a deal that ensures Arizonans will benefit from this infrastructure package for generations to come.

Jorge Pereyda

South Tucson

PRO Act could do lasting harm

Re: the June 30 article “’Big Labor’ bill threatens construction, homeowners.”

I recently read the guest opinion column by a local homebuilders association and I’m glad that our Arizona Sens. Mark Kelly and Kyrsten Sinema are trying to stop this harmful bill. The PRO Act would completely erode the relationships between businesses and the contractors and subcontractors that they have hired to complete work. It sounds like it would also restrict flexibility in workers who are defined as independent contractors. That means that the freelance work from home independent contractor would see his or her freedom and flexibility slowly extinguish. These changes would create roadblocks to business growth, endanger new job creation, and keep Arizonans from choosing the job and employment that best works for them and their family. We must not make it harder for businesses to succeed, and we can do better to look after Arizona and their workers.

Michelle Rill


Craft a GI Bill for new teachers

Re: the July 15 article “Solving teacher shortage as vital as finding funds.”

While Opinion writer Kathy Scott was correct that teachers need more funding, she overlooked one fundamental fact. Having a child who chose to become a fifth grade teacher and made the hard decision to leave after five years to become a doctor, because he saw no prospects of ever getting his student loans paid off. Relying on the federal government to solve Arizona’s shortage of teachers will not work unless Arizona’s state Legislature decides to make the hard decision: tax cuts or educational funding.

If Arizona’s Legislature is really serious about funding for our schools here is what they must do. Arizona should offer a free four-year scholarship to any resident willing to become a teacher. The scholarship will be predicated on teaching in an Arizona school for a period of four years. Leaving any time before the four years they will have to repay the state for every year they leave early. This could be a new version of the GI bill.

Clyde R. Steele

Oro Valley

Dems control levers of power

Re: the July 11 letter “Democracy seems doomed in US.”

Please move to Costa Rica! You can join all the celebrities that moved when Donald Trump became president. Oh wait! They never left. Guess that makes your move an idle threat. How can the “evil” Republicans destroy our democracy? By the way, we have a representative democracy that the Democrats control. How can the Republicans destroy a democracy they don’t control? There are certain facts that you are ignoring. The reason why the Supreme Court is 6 to 3 in favor of conservatives is because the Democrats changed the rules in the Senate. Democrats discovered that confirmation of appointees and judges was not a simple majority. Now they have to live with that decision. One last thing, please don’t move. Keep writing to the editor and expressing your opinion. That will keep our democracy great!

Larry Cory

West side

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