Romero co-chair proud to be part of campaign

I agree with the Aug. 2 letter to the editor, “A campaign chair represents a campaign’s values.” As co-chair of Regina Romero’s campaign for mayor of Tucson, I wholeheartedly share Councilwoman Romero’s values, as her campaign does mine.

As a public servant long before her tenure serving residents of the city as the Ward 1 representative, Regina is the best qualified candidate for mayor of Tucson. She has worked hard to protect our precious water resources and open space; she has worked for families, neighborhoods and small businesses that make up the fabric of our incredible community.

Moreover, as a woman and a person of color, Regina Romero represents the best in current and future generations of Tucsonans, young women and men who can see themselves in leadership positions, who can aspire to hold publicly elected positions, who can feel confident of running for office and trusted by their community. I am incredibly proud to be a part of the campaign to elect Regina Romero as Tucson mayor.

Carolyn Campbell


Meaning of right to bear arms has been perverted

I am sick and tired about hearing defense of “gun rights.” What about my rights to feel safe at a concert, a theater, a mall or a place of worship? What our children’s right to attend school without a bulletproof backpack and lock down drills? The NRA and the Republican Party refuse to protect the public from the carnage of gun violence. Due to their support of “gun rights,” we all live in constant fear. The warped interpretation of the Second Amendment is killing us. Ban assault weapons and limit ammunition. Your vote literally means the difference between the choice of life or death.

G Keith

Northeast side

Presidential power

goes only so far

On Saturday, Aug. 10, the Daily Star quoted Trump, “I have a greater influence now over the Senate and the House.” Hey, Trump. You swore to uphold the Constitution. It provides three separate branches of government. They teach that in first grade now. Your part is the executive branch. That’s it.Nowhere in Article II does it include “influencing Congress” in your job description.

Hey, Congress. He’s trying to cut into your piece of the pie, and he’s bragging about it. Say something!

Hey, White House staff. Your guy is talking himself out of a job, fast (keep it up).

Hey, voters. Pay attention to what’s going on here. You will get your chance in 2020 to stop Trump from exceeding his authority, not to mention stop him before he gets us into a war with Iran or North Korea. Don’t get fooled again.

Robert Kruse

Northeast side

Guns owned by public

are semi-automatics

In his letter to the editor, Ken Shearer writes that he sees “no logical reason for private ownership of military-style assault weapons.” First, rifles owned by the public are not automatic weapons that can fire bullets just by holding down the trigger and thus are not comparable to the real military automatic rifles used by our armed forces. These truly automatic weapons have been illegal for decades. Military-style weapons owned by the public are semi-automatic, meaning one has to pull the trigger for each bullet. There are approximately 5 to 10 million military-style rifles, such as the AR-15, owned by Americans. How does Mr. Shearer propose to get rid of these?

David Pearse


What ‘patriot’ wore shouldn’t matter

In regards to your Aug. 10 article, “Border extremists laughable but pose incitement danger,” way to blow your limited credibility, Mr. Steller. Pray tell, what on earth does this woman’s apparel have to do with the issue? Not only was your comment sexist and misogynistic, it was also childish. I would expect better from the editor of a major (but shrinking) newspaper, but then the Daily Star is what it is — a far-left mouthpiece of the Democrat Party.

Vern Spohn

Green Valley

Border laws are

no laughing matter

I find it laughable Tim Steller thinks that enforcing the laws of our nation is a joke but that AZ Patriots founder Jennifer Harrison is the dangerous one. She makes her point without violence like those that support the proposal of protecting lawbreakers. However, you decide she (and others like her) are full of hate and violence.

As far as the fact that the city has decided to put out the possibility of protecting those who break our laws, it is ridiculous. No matter how you feel about the law, it is the law until changed. What’s next, protecting tax evaders because we don’t like the IRS? Some feel taxes are against our constitutional rights.

If this is the route we are going, then I want to be protected from speeding tickets.

Martin Pier

Southeast side

Corporate takeover almost complete

For the past 50-plus years, there has been a slow but steady increase in corporate power in this nation. There have been well-documented accounts of premeditated union destruction by many corporate leaders. The textile industry comes to mind, but many other sectors were involved.

As unions lost power, corporations gained it. The creation of lobbying in D.C. turned into a corporate influence pipeline that just added to corporate power and reduced the power of the voters. Monopolization of industries has occurred with the consequence of reduced consumer choice and stifled price competition.

Several Supreme Court decisions in the past 150 years have bolstered corporate power while hindering that of the people. The Citizens United decision convoluted the Constitution by assigning personal rights to corporations. Their money can now be considered speech, essentially legalizing bribery.

When the titans of industry infiltrate our decision-making and regulatory bodies, “We the People” are no longer in control. The first step in changing our corporatocracy is to realize that we have one.

S.A. Rasmussen


Agents of ICE

terrorizing children

I’m deeply and profoundly disturbed that ICE agents are being used to terrorize children. It is well beyond despicable and deplorable that children are being traumatized, perhaps for life, for the mere ineffective purpose of “sending a message.”

I’m sorry, but when I see ICE agents today, I am reminded of Blackwater mercenaries in Iraq and also khaki-pant-wearing, tiki-torch-bearing marchers in Charlottesville. I know not all ICE agents fit this description, but too many appear to.

Abolitionists who advocate for the elimination of ICE are correct. There is no place in the United States of America for state-sponsored terrorism.

Dave Gallagher


Epstein estate proceeds

should go to his victims

The proven victims of Jeffrey Epstein should have had their voices heard; however, now that he has committed suicide his vast estate should be divided between all of his many victims. If not, the many girls/women he terrorized will never obtain any type of compensation.

Epstein’s political associates who also used the underage girls should be removed from their offices. Lack of consequences and no accountability are bringing our country below swamp level and right in to a sewer of horrible behavior and hate.

Elizabeth Andersen-Loutzenheiser

Oro Valley

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