A writer, whose letter appeared here on December 29th, promoted the death penalty and ended by questioning: "Why is it acceptable to oppose executions of deserving individuals but support abortion?" I turn that question around: Why is it acceptable to oppose abortions but support executions? Shouldn't anyone who claims to be pro-life support all life from birth to natural death?
Being truly pro-life would also mean taking a stand against war, weapons of mass destruction, gun violence, the cancelling of health subsidies to provide tax breaks for billionaires, the deportation of asylum seekers to places where gangs are waiting to kill them and the raising of rents that make people homeless. It is also pro-life to care for the earth, protect the environment, and plan for the effects of climate change. Protecting life for all of creation and doing it with love is our highest calling.
Sister Karen Berry, OSF
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.