Two recent LOEs were so troubling I felt compelled to respond: First, "Smile and Relax," wherein the writer suggests that his new president is going to fix everything fails to mention that what will be "fixed" applies only to those who are wealthy, white, heterosexual, male, and "Christians." For the rest of us, the thought of Trump in the Whitehouse causes severe fear and anxiety. Trump does not care about the common man/woman, nor rights for those he deems less than; which is everyone who doesn't fall into the above categories. Personally, I won't be able to "Smile and Relax" until he's gone. The other letter, "Why Trump," has me truly questioning the role of religion plays in politics. I am a Christian and believe in the tenets of Jesus, which are caring for the poor, the sick, and the stranger. Trump believes none of this and also belittles those who Jesus would help. How someone could believe this horrible human was sent by God is confused at best.
Terri Hicks
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.