We’ve just had the first signs of winter for the nation. Chaos was everywhere.

Like creatures emerging from Down Under or lower, Trump and Musk are sending thunderclouds of bigger storms to come. They are not blowing smoke either. This country is likely to be set afire.

Our leaders, brave beyond measure, are ready to roll out the first of their critical edicts, cutting Social Security, Medicare, and VA benefits. This proves that lunacy is still part of their management style.

But it could be a storm-breaker and cause many MAGA men to hang up their hats. They depend on those monthly funds to survive and make their truck payments. They voted against Democrats, not themselves or their families.

MAGA was promised a large role in the new America, One Nation Under Trump, by defending harsh priorities with hard hearts and hard heads.

Now look, it is the end of all their illusions of being wanted somewhere.

Ron Lancaster

North side

Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.

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