It is now 2025, and we will have a new President that made many promises. We all need to keep score of the promises made and done. First, decreasing the price of food. (he already is backtracking this one.) Second, decreasing the cost of gas. Gas is already under $3.00. Third, decreasing housing costs. Fourth, ending the war in Ukraine in a day. Fifth, decreasing taxes for middle-income Americans. The wealthy and corporations will get more tax breaks guaranteed. Sixth, promised not to touch Social Security and Medicare (keep your eye on that one.) Seventh, to deport 10 million immigrants, starting with immigrants who have committed crimes, but not restricted to that. He has also promised that if he has to deport immigrant parents who have children born in the USA, the children can go with their deported parents. (what a guy!) Remember the promises and keep score.
Richard Bechtold
West side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.