Guest opinion writer Marriah Star, in his Dec 29 article, declares democracy is dead. His case is 100% nonsense. He begins by citing a US Supreme Court decision that overturned a case where the state of Colorado tried to keep Donald Trump off its 2024 state election ballot. Mr. Star fails to mention that the SC wrote a unanimous 9-0 decision and then complains the US Congress failed to act. Well, duh. It's obvious that the SC sent a clear message to today's Congress and every state. "You can't do this."

The imperious and insufferable concluding paragraph states, "We need to update political theory to show that we no longer need to fear people because educated individuals are now the majority of the country." This is academic elitism on full display. Historians assess that George Washington had, at best, an 8th grade education. I'm sure the elites have a yada-yada answer.

Steve Sollenberger


Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.

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