Now I know how a serial lying, dishonest, hateful, racist, vindictive person got put into the Presidency not once, but twice. It wasn't just the mind-boggling ignorance of 52 percent of voters - no, it was God Himself, purposely choosing Trump (re: Dec. 28 letter "Why Trump"). According to the letter writer, Trump was chosen and his life spared (twice) to turn America back to God and Christian values. Hey, Donald has his share of serious moral deficiencies but who doesn't? According to the letter, Trump embodies and supports the Christian values of "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control". Are you kidding me? Did Trump do a sales job on God? Trump embodies the total opposite of those values. Did God plan the violence and treason that was Jan. 6th? Did God want Mike Pence hung? If God chose Trump for us, He must be really mixed up, perhaps under the Devil's control, in need of an extensive mental health evaluation, or all of the above.
Deb Klumpp
Oro Valley
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.