I served 12 years in the US Army, including service in Vietnam. In 1977 I joined the Tucson Police Dept and served there for 25 years. Other than my service on the Tucson Police Dept (Where we paid into a retirement system separate from Social Security), all jobs that I held (and there were quite a few of them) I paid into Social Security. Long after retiring from the Tucson Police Dept I signed up for Social Security when I turned 62.
Police, firefighters, and teachers frequently take all sorts of abuse from the very people they are trying to help, including being attacked, assaulted and shot at. They are almost always the last on the list for a pay raise or an increase in benefits.
Don't tell me these people don't deserve the full payments from Social Security that they paid into. If Mr Magenau feels it is so wrong to receive the Social Security payments to which he is entitled, let him give the money back.
Eric Johnson
Northwest side
Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.