Prior to beating Gerald Ford in a presidential election recently deceased Jimmy Carter allegedly said the following, "If I ever lie to you, if I ever make a misleading statement, don't vote for me. I would not deserve to be your president." That said to the populace would be laughable to today's voters. Honesty, morality, truth of word are no longer important in the slightest. I personally will support our incoming President because I must. But I, being of an advanced age, long for those days of yesteryear when principles, truthfulness, loyalty and advanced leadership ability really meant something. Alas I know that time has passed me by. I ask you though, after electing this individual, would you ever truthfully explain to your children how "I want you to grow up and be exactly like our President"? I suspect I know the answer to that.

Philip Reinecker

East side

Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.

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