Once people associate with a political party/tribe, they tend to form biases that favor their tribe but are skeptical about those outside their tribe. The truth is found in their in-group but not in out-groups. The stronger the solidarity to the tribe, the more likely it is that tribal bias will affect their beliefs and truth. An example of this is seen where MAGAs easily believe that Biden has mental problems but struggle to believe that Trump has serious mental problems. Politicians can easily use tribal biases to get their tribe to comply with the leader’s sentiments. But this manipulation tool can have dire consequences if followers become so far removed from the truth, that out-groups become hated and their voice is ignored because it doesn’t fit the in-group reality. Tribal bias can occur in any political group but when it becomes rampant, two different realities are created, which can tear society apart. Excess tribal bias will distort reality, where lies become truth.

Steve Rasmussen


Disclaimer: As submitted to the Arizona Daily Star.

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