TUSD, with about 42,000 students, followed two Phoenix school districts in resisting a state prohibition against school mask mandates. Above, first grade teacher Alexandra Walsh helps Angelo Enriquez during Meet Your Teacher Day at Holladay Magnet Elementary School on Wednesday.

Actions have consequences

We have seen our country turn into nothing but a bunch of complainers. Take a look at parents who refuse to put masks on their school children; not saying anything about the uptick of COVID cases that follow. Do they need instruction on “connect the dots?” How inept are these people? I’m sorry, folks, but you can’t have it both ways. This variant is nasty.

Then, of course, you have the unfortunate people whose loved one is hooked up to Lord knows how many pieces of equipment in the ICU. Their regret is that they didn’t get the shot. It’s not like there were any PSAs out there pushing for vaccinations! Come on people, get your head out from where it is and put it back on your neck. You’re not that stupid … or are you? God gave you a brain, use it!

Maureen Gagliardi

East side


adictions about casitas

Tucson’s proposed casita/ADU ordinance exposes multiple contradictions.

If you were our mayor and council, why would you:

Exacerbate displacement by giving billion-dollar companies GPLET property tax abatements and then expect ordinary citizens to go into debt to provide affordable housing for the people you displaced?

Push for the planting of a million trees to combat heat island effect but craft an ordinance that increases density, removes trees and increases surface temperatures?

Have thousands of citizens commit money and resources to establish historic districts in an effort to stabilize neighborhoods, then craft an ordinance that may result in historic homes being de-listed?

Claim the ADU ordinance will stop sprawl while you approve 3,000 acres of new development on the far east side of town?

If the majority of our mayor and council would stop hiding behind COVID and actually respond to emails, they might actually learn something from their citizens. Of course, maybe that is what they fear the most.

Colette Altaffer


Civil disobedience and anarchy

RE: the Aug. 8 letter “TUSD teaching anarchy.”

A letter writer complained that TUSD was teaching anarchy. What TUSD is teaching is civil disobedience, not anarchy. TUSD is protesting one ill-conceived law, not all laws.

As for going through legal channels to change the law, time and the COVID-19 delta variant wait for no one. Apparently, no TUSD school board members want to risk the health or life of any of TUSD’s students. That doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.

In regards to teaching proficiency, TUSD taught me the difference between civil disobedience and anarchy, but then, I was paying attention in class.

Rick Cohn

West side

Won’t protect the kids

Gov. Doug Ducey and the Republican Legislature won’t stop stores, business or hospitals if they impose mask mandates on their visitors, customers or employees. They can’t stop the federal government from imposing mask mandates on federal employees or anyone entering a federal building or area like an Air Force base. What does that leave? State, county, municipal employees and contractors?

And let’s not forgot Ducey’s favorite targets: teachers, school employees and students at every grade level. The Governor and Legislature seem to take great pleasure in placing limits on how universities, colleges and K-12 school districts protect their students. They, and the Republican anti-mask culture warriors, are totally responsible if this virus gets out of control. Sadly, our children are the ones who will pay the price.

Larry Bearden


Blame game gets us nowhere

Every single day, this newspaper publishes the same tired, predictable letters. For example, Republicans/conservatives are insipid fools and are to blame for every single item wrong with the country; Democrats/liberals are insipid fools and are to blame for every single item wrong with the country. Enough already!

Belittling people who have different points of view does nothing constructive. Do these letter writers want one-party rule? As a registered independent, I certainly do not. One-party rule, with no freedom of speech, would be a disaster.

Let’s look for ways to work together on the issues that face all Americans. And, let’s demand that our elected officials work together as well.

Alan Alexander

Northwest side

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