Apprehensions at border, COVID

NBC News is reporting Border Patrol apprehension numbers at the border in July were at 210,000, the highest this year, including a historic 19,000 unaccompanied children. We are already past 1,000,000 apprehensions for the fiscal year.

Tens of thousands are coming in undocumented monthly circumventing Border Patrol detection because they are pre-occupied with this mess. McAllen, Texas has reported that since February, 7,000 confirmed COVID positive undocumented entrants have been released into their town.

A Hidalgo County, Texas, judge has made a disaster declaration because of the high numbers being dropped off in the county by Border Patrol and the threat of COVID infections.

Where are Joe Biden’s concerns about all of this? Incentivizing more to come, the Biden administration intends to provide $15 million for these people to hire private attorneys to prepare their asylum cases, and another $23 million for their “legal orientation” programs. Taking care of these people has already cost American tax payers several billion dollars this year.

Juan Santiago

Southwest side

Democrats want lockdowns

Here we go again. The far left Democrat’s want to control all people. They say Florida and Texas have the highest new COVID cases in the U.S. So, they want all people in all states to wear masks.

The far-left teacher’s unions are making ridiculous demands, (while collecting their full pay) before they will do the job expected of them by the general public. Joe Biden does not tell the general public the reason that Florida and Texas have the highest COVID cases is because he is allowing undocumented immigrants, with COVID, enter through the Florida, Texas and Arizona borders.

Far-left Senator Cori Bush of St. Louis spends $70,000 for private security but advocates to “Defund the Police!” When will all of us loyal American citizens stand up and march against this terrible socialistic way of life? Time has come to not stand/sit by and allow these control freaks to continue to try and control we, the citizens of the U.S.

Walt Johnson


Mining in the Santa Ritas

Re: the Aug. 8 article “Western Santa Ritas an easier target for Hudbay.”

I wish to thank the Daily Star and reporter Tony Davis for the insightful article on pending mining activity on the western flank of the Santa Rita mountain range.

The location to be mined by Hudbay Minerals directly faces the communities of Green Valley and Sahuarita, and neighborhoods such as Quail Creek, Rancho Sahuarita and others will be exposed to the sounds of excavation and blasting, ore transport and construction for years.

We also are running low on our water supply and will have to decide if we would like population growth or limited mining activity. I support responsible copper mining but would like to see mining companies clean up their tailing piles and remediate mines like Bisbee, Arizona, before they start blasting the tops off of our scenic mountains.

Charles Stack

Green Valley

Arizona ripe for fake vax cards

First, people cheated to receive a COVID vaccine shot. Now, they cheat to not get one. Across the internet, a cottage industry has sprung up to accommodate people who are seeking fake vaccination cards.

With the possible mandating of vaccination cards for all federal employees, including service men, teachers and college students, Arizona is a haven for false vaccination cards.

With over 58,0000 federal employees in the state, 59,000-plus teachers, 205,000 college students at our three universities, there will be tremendous pressure to furnish proof of vaccinations.

Fake vaccination cards are easily available on the internet from $50 to $200.

Tucson, with Davis-Monthan AFB, the University of Arizona and the many teachers could prove to be a problem.

The U.S. does not have an electronic data base in place and relies on a flimsy paper card. We need to develop a reliable digital program.

The pressure is on.

Thomas McGorray

Northwest side

Climate action: Play your part

Our society is at a crossroads when it comes to climate change. Do we continue to think about our individual needs, or do we think about the collective good for our community, country and world?

With the new United Nations’ climate report calling global warming a “code red for humanity,” the answer is clear. We must take action now to preserve our livable world. We must reduce CO2 emissions immediately.

We can no longer sit idly by saying, “I am fine, my family is fine, and my town is fine.”

The time is now to take action. Let your representatives know that solving the climate crisis is a top priority. Many policies are being written in Congress.

Call, write or email your representatives and tell them to vote for policies that reduce CO2 emissions. Working together is the only way to solve this climate crisis.

Maggie Kraft

North side

Anti-mask mandate

Once again, the inconsistency of the governor’s anti-mask mandate shows itself.

Arizona law requires seat belts for those in the front seat of vehicles. It requires car seats/restraints for children of a certain age/weight.

Where’s my “personal freedom” in that case? Why can’t the school my granddaughter attends demand masks for those children who can’t be vaccinated?

Shouldn’t that school, which looks out for many children, be able to meet the same standard of responsibility as someone with kids in the car? Oh, sorry, the anti-seatbelt movement is old fashioned, not a serious political movement anymore.

Anti-masking is so “now,” especially with a segment of the voting public Doug Ducey and his ilk are catering to.

Norman Patten


Kudos to TUSD and masks

I support TUSD’s recent decision to require masks in spite of the state mandate to ban them. What can you lose: Wearing a mask can’t hurt anything, but not wearing one could prove devastating. Good for TUSD’s chutzpah in their decision.

Kenneth Wright


Racism in America

Sorry, but this race nonsense is not new and has always been an issue for other people/cultures besides Blacks and whites. Asians, Jews, Hispanics and many more have had to taste inequality and fears of being “persecuted” for being themselves.

Now we have a government in the U.S. even more regulated, dictatorial and prejudiced than ever before. It disgusts and angers me that our government has become part of the world’s evil that we always have fought against.

Racism has reared its ugly head and is looming larger than ever. I have to believe that most Americans see through this hostile, violent and nonsense agenda, and we will work through it together, or our nation is truly doomed.

Peter Stern


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