A rundown of Trump’s many accomplishments

Democrats reading the Star seem not to know that 9 out of 10 letters published are from themselves. A recent conservative letter estimated that over 6,000 Trump hating letters have been published since he was elected. A Democrat letter writer asked what are Trump’s accomplishments?

Well, in 2019, 850,000 undocumented immigrants were apprehended at the border, most were Central Americans. Trump, with no help from Democrats, ended that flood! Before the pandemic, we had a national 50-year low unemployment rate, including for Blacks, Latinos and women. North Korea has not tested a nuclear weapon or a long range missile in over two years.

Trump decimated ISIS, took out its leader and eliminated an Iranian general responsible for hundreds of American troop’s deaths. Trump rebuilt our military ravaged under Obama. Trump helped to make America an energy independent exporting country.

He appointed two Supreme Court justices and has had 200 conservative federal judges approved by Congress. He successfully negotiated trade deals with Canada, Mexico, the EU and China.

Tony Domino

Northwest side

A big shoutout to first responders

Recently, the Oro Valley police responded to a car crash in our neighborhood that involved a large gas line break.

This resulted in our neighborhood being evacuated. Our heartfelt thanks to Oro Valley police, Golder Ranch firefighters and Southwest Gas for handling the situation, and keeping all our neighbors safe. They are awesome!! Since our home was near the crash site, we couldn’t return to our home for many hours.

We were very impressed with Southwest Gas’ safety protocol, and we appreciate all they did to get us back into our home safely. Thanks again!

Laura and Robert Ewens

Oro Valley

Destroying statues won’t solve racism

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — George Santayana.

There are better solutions for eliminating racist undertones of historical monuments than tearing them down or hiding them in museums. We need reminders of history, even the bad parts they seem to glorify.

A suggestion for people who are serious about eliminating unsavory connotations, but appreciate the importance of remembering history, good and bad: Keep the monuments; add explanatory plaques or signs that enlighten viewers about distasteful aspects of history and clarify laudable things we should memorialize.

Are you serious about changing the message? Or are you simply feeling the adrenaline rush of destruction, like the vandals who recently destroyed the statue of an abolitionist hero outside the Wisconsin State Capitol? Let’s purify the intent and actions associated with the worthy cause of eliminating racism. Indiscriminate destruction harms the cause rather than helps it.

Warren Hatcher

Northwest side

DC partisanship leads to misrepresentation

In response to the letter about Martha McSally’s appointment to the Senate: When Gov. Doug Ducey appointed McSally to the Senate, someone wrote that it was “a slap in the face for all Arizonans” because she had been rejected by the voters. At that time I wrote a letter saying that it was not a slap in the face for the nearly 50% of the Arizona voters who had voted for her.

She was ahead on election night by a slim margin, but then Kyrsten Sinema pushed ahead by a slim margin. I thought her appointment good under the circumstances and this was a unique opportunity for all Arizonans to be represented in the Senate, and for our two women senators to work together for Arizona.

I still wish that could happen. I am disgusted by the partisan behavior of Congress that prevents anything from being accomplished. But that’s for another letter!

Barbara Toohey


People need to wake up and put on a darn mask

For crying out loud, just put on a darn mask already. Throughout the ages, people have fought, argued and fretted endlessly over matters of great meaning and importance. Whether you should, or shouldn’t, put on a 30-cent mask which, just doesn’t rise to that level. Just wear a mask, will you please?

Oh, and you politicians, right, left, middle or whatever, who are spending your time, shuffling around government buildings trying to dream up the next dimwitted reason why we shouldn’t wear a mask, shame on you. Just knock it off, will you?

Howard Roberts

Northeast side

UA Agricultural Center a diamond in the rough

At long last, here in Arizona, we have a fully accredited veterinary school which will open this coming semester, Fall 2020. For the incoming students, the UA Campus Agricultural Center on Campbell Avenue will be a critical part of their studies. For Tucsonans, myself included, it is a gardening and conservation inspiration.

It is a pleasure to see the seasonal changes of fallow land, use of solar panels, tall corn, grazing animals and more. I fail to understand the thinking or lack thereof in selling this island of green.

Sheila Lepley

Northwest side

VA hospital in Tucson provides excellent care

I want to express my gratitude to the surgical team at a Southern Arizona Veterans Affairs Health Care System facility, otherwise known as the VA hospital, in Tucson. I have been well cared for by the doctors and the entire staff at both the hospital and the Northwest VA Clinic on Ina Road for my health care for about five years. I recently had surgery and cannot say enough good things about the surgeon’s skill and excellent follow-up care that I received from the surgical team.

Thank you VA for your service to veterans!

Bill Doran


Church and state both get political

Father’s Day weekend, I attended mass at St. Johns on the southside. The priest did the mass primarily in Latin and wore something bright that I never have seen. However, his sermon was similar to a Trump speech. He offered his 2 cents about the Supreme Court decision regarding LGBT rights and how, in so many words, they don’t deserve rights. He also made it a point to discuss COVID-19 and the recent riots and claimed demonic spirits were behind the riots and COVID. He also made a comment that he would only get on his knees for Christ which was a shot at Colin Kaepernick. People go to mass not to hear radical ideas that you expect to come from the White House, and in my view this is why the Catholic Church is struggling to keep members.

Gabriel Martinez

South Tucson

Closed gyms won’t solve Arizona’s virus problem

Gov. Doug Ducey and Dr. Cara Christ sat in their press conference and explained that the current gym closures were to insure the health and safety of Arizonans. They went on to explain that COVID-19 is attacking younger people who have obesity, diabetes and heart conditions. If this is true, I would think that the gyms would be the last thing they would close, as they help young and old avoid the very conditions that they tell us are deadly if the virus is contracted.

With all of the medical personnel that are being paraded in front of us in the media for this virus, you would think that one would promote exercising, eating right and building up you own immune system. Dr. Christ, if you want to close something to make the virus less deadly, try closing some fast food restaurants!

Kevin Marschke

Oro Valley

Grijalva’s letter against annexation was correct

I’m a Jew who lived in Israel in 1984. I’m so thankful to be represented by Raúl Grijalva, who was one of the signers of an important “Dear Colleagues” letter on June 30, calling upon Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to stop the government of Israel in its annexation of Palestinian territory in the West Bank on July 1.

Annexation is illegal according to international law. Congress needs to take decisive action to oppose this annexation, or it will be complicit in apartheid. I am sincerely hoping that other members of Congress will join Grijalva in doing the right thing. I care deeply about the future of Israel, and a just and lasting peace is only possible when all people have equal rights.

Deborah Mayaan

Three Points

Anti-mask Trump has let the virus win

Just one little thing. That’s all we needed him to do. Just wear a mask.

Not always. Just on his way to the podium or walking from his helicopter. Just enough to let everyone know this was an important thing to do.

But no, he wouldn’t do it. Instead he turned it into a culture war issue. One more thing he could use to divide us.

And his followers got it. Mask bad. Masks are for libs and Democrats. And just to drive the point home he held a rally with a couple of thousand maskless teens jammed together.

It’s as though he willfully released thousands of drunk drivers on our streets. We knew the pandemic was too much for him. We saw Puerto Rico.

But if he could have done just one little thing, we would have had a fighting chance. Instead he helped COVID win.

Robert MacKay


Request a mail-in ballot to make your vote count

Many states, including Arizona, have closed neighborhood polling sites, establishing voting centers instead. Before the 2016 and 2018 elections, Arizona eliminated 320 neighborhood sites. This year, 80 additional sites have been eliminated in Maricopa County alone.

Located in densely populated areas, voting centers force voters in less populated areas to travel long distances, resulting in scheduling and transportation issues.

By replacing numerous neighborhood sites, a single voting center creates extremely long lines for voters. In Georgia’s recent primary election, voters waited five hours to cast their ballot, sharply increasing their chance of contracting COVID-19.

As infections continue to rise, there is an ever-increasing possibility of voters being quarantined on Election Day or discovering their polling site has been unexpectedly closed due to a lack of poll workers, leaving them unable to vote.

For many, choosing to vote in person is no longer a viable option.

Visit Servicearizona.com today and request a mail-in for the general election ballot to guarantee that your voice is heard.

Joseph Alexander

Oro Valley

A regional solution to defeat COVID-19

Does any one have a plan to stop coronavirus? If not I will offer mine. Maybe it will generate some conversation?

My plan is as follows: Divide the country into five different regions. Start with Region 1 and close it for 14 days. Only essential businesses stay open. Everyone restricted to their home except for emergencies and essential shopping.

After two weeks, reopen Region 1 and close Region 2 for 14 days. Same rules. Continue this until you have completed the fifth region.

While a state/region is closed, there can be no one from other states/regions entering and once a region has completed their quarantine, they cannot accept any visitors from regions that have not been cleared to be open.

By having a sensible approach, we can get on top of the virus and still get our businesses open again.

Of course masks are a must, and social distancing and testing must increase.

Dan Beamer

Northwest side

Trump’s stubbornness will lead to his defeat

The president’s reluctance/refusal to wear a mask in public has almost certainly influenced a solid percentage of his supporters to resist the common sense and common-good temptation to wear one. This seems likely to contribute to a significant extension of the virus’s reign of terror and fear and loathing in our country.

My understanding is that widespread mask compliance is regarded by most of the public health community as one of the most potent social strategies to manage the virus while allowing some measure of active commerce.

Ironic that the worse the U.S. infection becomes, perhaps again and again, the less likely the president’s message of imminent and glorious economic recovery is to be believed by the rational voting public.

I suspect the president will regret his vain and exceptional dismissal of a face covering, all his own, when the votes are counted in November.

Mark Prichard


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