Mort on Carter
I greatly appreciate the privilege of reading the reflections of expertise that Mort Rosenblum brings to his Star columns. The edition of January 5 was the latest excellent example, where he rightfully points out how Jimmy Carter was ahead of his time as a visionary U.S. President. If further proof were needed, one only need observe his post-presidency — simply the best in U.S. history. My only quibble with Mort’s piece is his reference to Carter as a nuclear physicist — as a physicist, I write to point out that Carter’s role as a young Annapolis-trained naval officer in the submarine corps was as a nuclear engineer.
Terry McDaniel
North side
Men of integrity
I found George Will’s recent editorial concerning Jimmy Carter disappointing and sad. Mr. Will cataloged President Carter’s failures and diminished his accomplishments. It was a hit job as the man is taken to his final resting place. It felt to me like the same hit job Kari Lake and Donald Trump did to John McCain. All of us have faults, and some of us have integrity. I believe both Jimmy Carter and John McCain were men of integrity and deserving of a respectful remembrance.
Daniel McDonnell
Age limits
I believe it’s time to consider age limits on our Congress folks.
FBI agents have to retire at 57, Catholic bishops at 75. Pilots retire at 65, air traffic controllers at 56.
The average age for dementia is typically in the mid-60s. This is for the most common type, late-onset Alzheimer’s disease.
Rep. Kay Granger who missed several months of voting was found in an Assisted Living facility in Dallas. Georgia U.S. Rep David Scott age 79 was photographed in a wheelchair entering Congress, after missing 2 weeks. Strom Thurmond retired from the Senate at 99 and was only able to function with the help of his staff.
No one knew of Biden’s decline until his disastrous debate. Thirty-five of our Senators are over the age of 70.
The House of Representatives is loaded with 70-79-year-olds, making up 16.4%.
Would it not be prudent to set age limitations on our members of Congress?
I think it’s time. 75 would seem reasonable.
Tom McGorray
Northwest side
UA sports on ESPN+
In response to the writer who complained about the U of A athletic teams being on the paid streaming service called ESPN+, I also totally agree with that writer but when I contacted the U of A’s Athletic Department awhile back, I was advised that they they do not have any control on which TV station their sports teams are on. The problem is with the the Big 12 because they do not have any TV stations unlike the Big Ten, ACC and SEC which all have their own stations, and I can receive these stations on Cox Cable. So please do not blame the U of A Athletic Department but blame the Big 12 for their lack of TV stations. Hopefully, the Big 12 will get their act together some time (hopefully very soon) so the U of A will no longer be on stuck on ESPN+.
Michael Cooper
East side
Canada 51st
Trump wants Canada as the 51st state. In response Trudeau should offer Trump an idea on how to become king. Yes, king. So what’s stopping Trump from becoming king now? Those pesky blue states. They won’t go for it. To solve the problem Trudeau should offer to take California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Maine, Vermont, Delaware, Massachusetts, and New York as part of Canada leaving the red states the United States.
When Trudeau presents the agreement he should appeal to Trump’s ego by pointing out he would experience no opposition to becoming king if the blue states were out of his hair. Red-state Republicans love him. Knowing he was going to be their king would bring absolute joy to their hearts.
To close the deal, (cuz Trump sees himself a deal-maker), Trudeau should point out how regal he’d look with a crown on, telling him the opportunity to witness in person the bold stroke he uses to sign documents an absolute honor.
Jim Dreis
East side
Enlighten me, please
I am in need of enlightenment. I was always taught that the Constitution provided separation of church and state. It puzzles me, therefore, that State Superintendent of Education Tom Horne can use public funds to support church-owned schools. I feel equally uninformed as to how these taxpayer monies are being used to fund private schools. Perhaps my theory that education is being limited to a select few to further dumb down the country in order to create and maintain a permanent underclass which can never rise without education.
Barbara Benjamin
Where are individuals to go?
Tucson offers social services to its homeless; a few get available housing. The rest remain in our neighborhoods, in our parks, arroyos, bus stops, vacant lots, etc. When businesses or residents complain long and loudly enough, the police come in to flush them out. Only one major problem — where are individuals to go?
Miramonte Neighborhood has seen this scenario time and again. Our small nature park, which is to be closed dusk to dawn and has no restroom facilities, is a homeless haven. Recently, behind our Alvernon bus stop a daily group of non-riders convene. Police periodically shoo both groups out, but they are soon back. Where are individuals to go?
I ask Mayor/Council to identify sites throughout the City where carts and plastic tents can be secured for the long term, where restroom facilities are provided, where loiterers can meet-up. What Tucson is doing now is not working for anyone. It’s wasting police time, inhumane to those chased around, and no solution for our neighborhoods’ angst.
Ruth Beeker
No red-light cameras
On November 3, 2015, voters spoke decisively against red-light cameras by approving Proposition 201, which prohibited their use in Tucson. Nearly 60% opposed these cameras due to concerns about prioritizing revenue over safety, lack of due process, privacy issues, potential errors, and their disproportionate impact on low-income drivers. Overturning this decision without another public vote undermines our democratic principles.
The will of the people has already been made clear: Red-light cameras are not welcome. If supporters believe otherwise, they should pursue another voter initiative.
Moreover, technology like Waze and Google Maps, which detect enforcement zones, has rendered red-light cameras outdated. A better approach to reducing red-light violations would involve educating the public, increasing awareness, proper road engineering, and effective enforcement.
We should honor the 2015 vote and focus on modern, equitable, and effective solutions.
William Searcy
Expensive picture books
I read in Steller’s article January 5 that ABC agreed to pay $15 million to a future Trump presidential library due to its alleged confusion regarding various legal usages of the term “rape.” My goodness! The price of picture books, used maps marked with black pens, and simplified one-page summaries of world events must have increased enormously in the last months.
Delores Keahey
Southeast side
Real reporting, not recycled re-tweets
I so enjoyed reading the “Arizona trail honeymoon hike” article in the Sunday, January 5, 2025 edition of the Arizona Daily Star. I especially enjoyed that your reporter, Henry Brean, took the time to conduct actual interviews with his subjects and did not simply republish tweets or social media posts of the honeymoon couple. In addition, I valued that your reporter expanded the human interest story by incorporating solid information about the Arizona Trail Association and the work they do to maintain, protect and promote the AZT. With this article, I was both entertained and informed. This is the kind of real reporting that makes it worth spending money on a subscription. Keep up the good work — please! We really need local journalism in this day and age of social media disinformation.
Thea Chalow
Oro Valley
Honeymoon on the Arizona Trail
The front-page story in the Sunday, Jan. 5 Star about the honeymooning couple on the Arizona Trail was heartwarming, inspiring, and a breath of fresh air. Thanks to the Star and congratulations to Henry Brean for writing this wonderful piece! How nice to see some truly good news on the front page on a Sunday morning!
Aston Bloom
East side