Because Senator-elect Mark Kelly won a special election, he can be sworn in as soon as election results are certified, and he expects to be sworn in by midweek. β€œIf there are votes that day, I’ll be voting on the floor of the United States Senate.”

Getting stimulus cash where it’s needed most

The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic has not fallen equally on all households in Tucson. While some families have lost jobs and homes, other families are barely touched.

The federal stimulus checks have been deposited in our accounts; it is money we don’t need. So, we are committed to donating all of the stimulus dollars to Tucson food banks.

The Arizona Daily Star could help encourage others to donate their stimulus checks by featuring a local charity on its front page and a comprehensive list in their Tucson & Region section.

Thomas Hefley

East side

GOP senators

are on trial

Donald Trump incited supporters to storm the Capitol by lying to them. When they arrived, they looked to hang Mike Pence and dismember Nancy Pelosi while Trump headed to the White House to watch the carnage play out on TV. He and Pence eventually made up then claimed those who stormed the Capitol were really not members of Trump’s Make America Great Again movement, but instead goons operating on their own. Thus, Trump is not responsible for what they did.

Republican senators now have to address the impeachment article handed to them by the House. Everyone knows Trump’s guilty. Thus the trial isn’t about Trump. It’s about Republican senators’ sense of right and wrong.

They’re on trial. Do they cover up for Trump, or do what’s right and impeach him?

Jim Dreis

East side

Kudos to Kino vaccine workers

Congratulations to the doctors, nurses, staff and volunteers who are responsible for the distribution of the COVID vaccine at Kino Veterans Memorial Stadium. Every person there was pleasant, organized and competent. My husband and I were in and out of the stadium in less than an hour, including the extra 15-30 minutes required for observation after vaccination because of prior medication allergies.

Our friends who have visited this location have raved about what a pleasant experience they had as well.

Mary Carey

Northeast side

Responding to claims

on migration, abortion

Re; the Feb 1 article β€œDispelling myths about undocumented immigrants.”

The authors have ignored a major concern with undocumented immigrants: They did not enter or simply are not here legally. They ignored a very long line of people who are attempting to legally enter this country. They apparently chose to ignore this major impediment to their status. What message does this send to others about respecting the laws of this country?

And, to Mr. Steven Brown, who does not consider a fetus a human child, I ask why a person who kills a pregnant woman and her fetus can be charged with two murders?

John Cioffi

Northeast side

Zoo expansion

benefits all of Tucson

The Reid Park Zoo’s expansion will provide significant benefits for all Tucsonans.

Think about the important role that accredited zoos like the Reid Park Zoo play in preserving the planet. The zoo provides a relaxing and restorative experience, encouraging a love of nature and an understanding of the importance of conservation of all the earth’s species and resources.

And if you’ve seen the wonder in a child’s eyes during a visit there you know that yes, we do need nature, now and in the future. An expanded zoo will create an even greater good for the public and the planet.

The voters were right to support our zoo’s expansion, and we can all benefit from it, both in the short and long term. The Community Access Programs section of the zoo’s website details many programs to invite the public in, either free or for a nominal cost β€” please take a look.

Sarah Kim

East side

Relief proposal needs a trim

I agree that a stimulus and relief package is needed to support people, small businesses and education. I have been a registered, voting Democrat for many years. The relief package proposed by President Joe Biden needs trimming. This is a perfect time to work cooperatively with Republicans to craft a better proposal. We need to provide help without crippling our deficit to irreparable levels.

My husband and I are retired. We live frugally on our Social Security payments and my state retirement checks from being a teacher for many years. Our mortgage is paid off. We know how to live on a meager budget. We do not need more stimulus checks from the government. Those payments should limited to those who are out of work and are struggling.

Virginia Bohme


Sinema right

to defend filibuster

Several recently printed letters were highly critical of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s vote not to eliminate the filibuster rule. After getting my master’s degree here at the University of Arizona, I worked in politics and on campaigns for 10 years in New York State. In my view, Sen. Sinema is one of the smartest and savviest politicians we have in our Arizona delegation today. She is always β€œthinking the long game.”

I have no inside information as to her thought process or vote. I suspect she clearly realized the huge future risk for Democrats if the filibuster rule was done away with. What would happen if the Democrats lost control of the Senate either in the next election cycle or some future cycle which is certainly a possibility?

Without the filibuster rule, Democrats would be defenseless against the GOP’s worst social and economic policies. We should all thank our stars that Sen. Sinema has the knowledge, foresight and courage to head off this horrific possibility.

Polly Smith

Northwest side

Filibuster allows

lawmakers to hide

An open letter to Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly,

You will be called upon to consider ending the filibuster in the Senate. I urge you to vote to end it. Arguments against say that removing it will empower a future Republican Senate and Democrats will lose a cudgel, but it is used now against Democrats even though they are in the (ever so slender) majority.

Ending the filibuster will require that senators vote on issues as they reach the floor. Now, senators can hide behind the filibuster, telling voters they are for an issue when they won’t ever have to vote in favor of it. This lets politicians, Republicans and Democrats, have it both ways.

Ending the filibuster is a vote for transparency. I ask β€” why aren’t senators willing to vote openly on issues that matter to their constituents? You and I know the answer.

Write your senators.

Christine Flanagan

West side

Voter suppression

at its worst in Arizona

Re: the Jan. 30 article β€œProposed law would let Legislature overturn presidential election results.”

I keep wondering what devious and outlandish proposals will come from Republicans to try to suppress voters.

To my surprise, horror and dismay, I read in the Daily Star that Rep. Shawnna Bolick of Phoenix is proposing a law that would let the Arizona state Legislature overturn presidential election results even after the count has been certified by the governor and secretary of state if they are unhappy with the election results.

This is outrageous. What would be the point of having an election? Our constitutional right to vote is precious and is critical to American democracy. This cannot be allowed to happen. Please remember this at the polls and vote these un-American officials out of office.

Deane Ford

West side

New normal?

I’ll pass

Why would anyone want to get back to normal? Normal four years ago? Eight years ago? Or maybe 12 years ago? More?

Those normal times had at least one thing in common: β€œpolitics.” Pure and simple. Politics in the pursuit of who governs our nation has historically been combative, war-like, mean-spirited, and by most standards, just plain ugly. Say or do anything to seize the reigns of the ultimate power. And all is forgiven.

Since when? Maybe the day will come when it’s recognized that β€œnormal” isn’t likely to change until today’s politics is weeded out of the equation and we as a nation commit to living peacefully and civilly with one another.

Committed to a simple set of standards of partisan respect, to which some are hailing a β€œnew normal.” Getting to a new normal depends on which way each of us is pointed. Where are you headed?

Don Weaver


Trump can’t escape


Seems to me the Republicans are making an argument that Donald Trump isn’t the president, so he can’t be impeached, but they will surely say he can’t be charged with sedition for his actions on Jan. 6 because he was the president of the U.S. at the time.

If he can’t be impeached then he should be tried as a private citizen in federal court, with the sentence to be imprisonment and banishment from holding public office for life. If he’s not liable as a private citizen then he is subject to impeachment and if convicted should suffer a similar fate.

This garbage about allowing the people to decide his fate by election denies the evidence that he abused judicial process on numerous occasions and persisted in fomenting violence against multiple parties in both state and federal governments for an extended period of time. Time for law and order.

Dan Pendergrass

West side

GOP craziness

at an all-time high

I used to respect the Republican party, even if I disagreed. I still have respect for Sens. Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, etc. Unfortunately, the GOP has been hijacked by people who can only be described as deranged.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has suggested that on 9/11, it wasn’t a plane that hit the Pentagon, she believes Parkland and other shootings were staged, she blames California wildfires on Jewish lasers from space. Instead of getting her the mental health she so desperately needs, the Republicans have given her seats on committees.

Please stop pandering to the stupid people. This also condemns Rep. Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs and state Rep. Mark Finchem and other treasonous supporters of the coup to overthrow the government.

Craig Miller

Northwest side

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