On public health, Trump beats Obama

In order to try and get a balanced view of our world, besides watching both one conservative and liberal newscast daily, I read a real newspaper as well as the left-wing-agenda-pushing Daily Star. An interesting opinion piece appeared in the Wall Street Journal this week comparing the Obama administration’s response to H1N1 with the Trump administration’s response to COVID-19. The fact is that Obama’s response was slower, less decisive, with fewer actions taken.

If H1N1 had been as contagious as COVID-19, America would have experienced around 2 million deaths by now! The only difference is they got lucky it wasn’t as contagious and Trump didn’t. No one is saying Trump has done a great job in all aspects of handling this outbreak, but he did a lot of things that never occurred to Joe Biden and Barack Obama. An article like this is something that would never appear in Tucson’s left-leaning media.

Kevin Kaatz

Oro Valley

Only Trump’s defeat

can save the GOP

Donald Trump is still continuing to pay to play. Don’t let it fool you. The only reason Arizona is the first to receive unemployment benefits from Donald Trump is to buy your votes for Martha McSally and himself. Stay smart, Republicans. Vote Trump out and reorganize your party as it was meant to be.

Susan Bennett


Up is down

in Trumpworld

We received a Republican letter in the mail recently that asked the question: Do you agree that the Democrats’ vote-by-mail scheme would open up the November election to fraud and abuse? This sounds to me like propaganda!

We must have lots of frauds here in Arizona where we have voted by mail by all parties for past 25 years. Now we have Dr. Strangejoy of the USPS dismantling sorting machines that cut down on labor costs so he can save money. These machines were paid for with our taxes. This is insanity at its height. Trump’s antics are ripping this country apart. I don’t know if 1+1 = 2 anymore in Trumpworld. I’m voting Biden.

Linda Butler


Eegee’s and CFSA

a life raft for nonprofits

As the executive director of the Autism Society of Southern Arizona, I felt the repercussion of the pandemic as it forced us to postpone our Autism Walk and Resource Fair. After months of planning and anticipation, it was a tough blow to see April 4 come and go without the 2,000-person event that brought together families affected by autism. What I am able to witness during these uncertain times is community organizations come to the rescue of nonprofits, so they can continue to forge ahead.

To get the call from Eegee’s and the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona that they have provided grant awards that would sustain our organization and allow us to continue to deliver support for the community brought us hope during these turbulent times. I want to acknowledge and thank Eegee’s and CFSA for making a significant difference for nonprofits in Southern Arizona so we may weather this storm and continue to serve those in need.

Brie Seward

Northwest side

Drone operator should have been prosecuted

The Federal Aviation Administration says it has counseled the pilot of a drone that hindered Bighorn Fire suppression efforts in the early days of the inferno. That heavy penalty, counseling verbally and in writing, should put the fear into drone owners who selfishly want a bird’s-eye view of future blazes. Not for a second.

Over seven weeks this summer, the Bighorn Fire burned 120,000 acres and cost taxpayers $37 million to fight. Hundreds of firefighters risked their lives, and Tucsonans endured the pain of thousands of saguaros left dead or charred, and untold human and wildlife disruption that will last for years.

And the drone operator is counseled. Will counseling be enough if an air tanker or helicopter goes down in a collision with a drone? Surely investigators from the FAA, Forest Service and FBI can press charges in the public interest. Who do they think they are protecting?

Debbie Collazo

West side

Post office offers

this reader comfort

At 65, I have found the post office a comfort. It is old reliable. Many postal workers have touched my life over the years in California, Colorado and now Arizona. They went the extra mile and delivered a smile. A packaged deal!

The postal workers are front-line workers. We assume they will always be there through thick and thin, monsoon and drought, heat and cold. The postal workers have endured over time.

The postal workers are my connection to humanity. I listen for the postal truck as it delivers my daily dose of letters, packets and/or surprises. Junk mail is a welcome sight! In lockdown, it was a sense of continuity and sanity.

When an outside force tries to mess with reliability, it irritates me. The pandemic has raised concerns and I wonder how we are protecting these essential workers. They have been pushed to their limits and now they need our support. Thank your local postal worker!

Paula Palotay


Thank you to these letter writers

This is to say thank you to Jose Salgado for writing to the Arizona Daily Star and expressing his thoughts regarding reporters for their having to say what color or race people are. No wonder racism continues in our society. Surely this type of reporting helps to perpetuate it.

I, too, am getting tired of it. We’re Americans, whatever our color or race. Whatever our religion (or not), whatever our political choices. We are what we are, and reporters and the newspaper don’t have to and shouldn’t be making distinctions.

Thank you, too, to Luz Angela and Marta Lee for the same reaction I had to the Daily Star for having diminished Kamala Harris’ historic moment. Not only was her photo smaller in size, it was not one of her standing on the speaker’s platform as she made her acceptance speech — which would have been far more appropriate.

Carol Rohr

Oro Valley

Will of the people is often ignored

Elections are supposed to represent the will of the people. In 2000, we all were excitedly awaiting the results of a long, drawn-out count in Florida. But then the Supreme Court stepped in and did what had never been done before. It stopped the count and took the vote away from every person whose vote had not yet been counted, effectively deciding the election by itself.

Next the year 2016. The people elected Hillary Clinton by a majority of almost 3 million votes, one of the largest victories in modern times. But the Electoral College overturned the will of the people and installed Donald Trump as president.

Then, an off-year Senate election in Arizona. The people elected Kyrsten Sinema, rejecting her opponent Martha McSally. But Gov. Doug Ducey stepped in and appointed McSally to the other Arizona Senate seat.

And here we are now: 2020. Any suggestions?

Barbara Schneidau


Trump provides

strong leadership

Who do you want to lead our country — a candidate who leads with power and strength, even if he is brash (Donald Trump)? Or a candidate who leads with feelings and possibilities even if he is a “real nice guy” (Joe Biden). When an enemy like China, Russia or Iran is ready to pounce, who do you believe will strongly protect our sovereign borders and have the American people’s back? I know who it will be — do you?

Rosalie Wright

Oro Valley

If you can go to the store, you can vote in person

Do you go to Walmart, Costco, or one of the grocery stores on at least a weekly basis? I am confident that most of us do, although most use masks and keep our distance. If you do this, why is there fear of going to a polling location one time in a year?

They will have the same restrictions as the stores. Come on, man! It is just another excuse to throw a lot of confusion into the coming election. When you enter a polling location, you can be assured that you are a valid voter and that your ballot will be handled in secure and responsible manner.

Quit whining, follow the COVID safety guidelines, and do your duty as a citizen and vote.

Pudge Johnson

Oro Valley

Authoritarian streak disqualifies Trump

As a retired TPD officer, I totally agree with Tom Wilson. How anyone, especially law enforcement professionals, can endorse such a person is beyond me. Looking back in history, there was another person who rose in power while preaching law and order, and giving rousing support to police.

One of the first things that this president did was notice how everyone stood when a foreign official entered a room, and he remarked on how good that felt. Can his attempt to bully foreign governments to help his reelection be ignored? Can his secret meetings with the Russian president be ignored? Is his so-called help with law enforcement really needed? This is a democracy. No one person rules our United States.

James Polito


Don’t put extra stamp on your mail-in ballot

According to a recent statement from the Pima County Recorder’s Office, “the barcode on our Business Reply Mail yellow envelope means ballots are rapidly separated from other mail and are actually processed faster than regular first class mail; the Recorder’s Office picks up these ballots Monday through Saturday mornings at the main post office.”

Placing an extra stamp on your yellow ballot return envelope will require it to be hand-sorted and will delay the process. Mark and mail your ballot early, then track its receipt and signature verification online at recorder.pima.gov. Ballots will be mailed out on Oct. 7.

Please notify the Recorder’s Office if it’s not received within a couple days. As an alternative to mail, ballots in signed and sealed envelopes may be dropped off at any of the early polling places or drop boxes listed on the recorder’s website between Oct. 7 and 30. Go vote!

Karen Harris

Northwest side

Idea of election delay gave me a good laugh

Re: the Aug. 26 letter “Reasons to postpone presidential election.”

My first reaction was uncontrolled laughter. I presume the Second World War was not a national emergency according to this rationalization for postponing the election. But then I realized, if there is no election, there is no second term for Donald Trump and Mike Pence.

If they are unable to perform their duties because they are no longer in office, then Nancy Pelosi would become president according to the order of succession plan. Although, I expect Trump would attempt to institute martial law or something equally ridiculous to stay in office. Anyway, thanks for a good laugh!

Josephine Abels


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