Republicans’ negativity too dreary for this voter

Having seen both Democratic and Republican ads on TV, I have noticed that Mr. Joe Biden’s ads are mostly positive with what he wants to do for this country when elected. In contrast, the Republican ads are doctored (edited) to be very negative and are telling blatant lies about Biden and other Democratic candidates. So, for the sake of this country’s future, vote Democrat in November.

Flora Frederick



the Postal Service!

Remember the Alamo, the Maine, the Lusitania and Pearl Harbor. If ever there was a time for Americans to come together and defend our values against the onslaught of tyranny, it is now! Let history record that this generation answered the call to “Remember the Post Office.”

The Postal Service is a living monument to (Ben Franklin) one of our nation’s greatest patriots. A man who so loved this country that he renounced his own son as a traitor. It is the most beloved institution in our government, and is so crucial to its function that the Constitution made provision for it.

Has the Pentagon ever had to defend its fiscal policies? Has the Social Security Administration ever shown a profit? Clearly, voter suppression is the real motive for this atrocious assault on our liberty. The question remains, are we going to let this petty tyrant get away with it?

John Balsbaugh

East side

Morality springs

from compassion

A battle for America’s soul? As a College of Medicine student at the University of Arizona, I have seen many examples of racism and religious bigotry, even by established physicians and nurses.

True morality is rooted in compassion and love. Any teaching that violates this principle is false. The very essence of God is love. Compassion is the language of God.

Many who cloak themselves in righteousness are part of a movement in this country, with Donald Trump as their figurehead, to oppress and cause suffering for those they deem unsuitable. We are all children of God, deserving of respect, compassion and dignity. This belief is fundamental to the American vision.

This country is not an exclusive white Christians-only club. Trump is the figurehead of this most pernicious belief system that many of his supporters hold. I believe that if Trump is reelected, and we continue down the path he has laid out for us, it will be the unmaking of the American dream.

Arthur Stepp

North side

Post office a testament to debt and inefficiency

I have a mailbox. I think you have have one, too. That is, however, the extent to which I interact with the U.S. Postal Service.

My parting of the ways occurred when I sent two sets of important business papers by Express Mail going on 18 months ago and they, as of yet, have not been delivered. It’s not a question of when, but if. The Postal Service has become a health-care provider and a pension fund administrator that happens to handle mail.

It’s funny to see the Democrats race to its defense as an example of government that can be expanded to include health care, energy and education on all levels. I’m too old for any of that to catch up to me, but some of you are condemning your children and grandchildren to a world of debt and inefficiency that will be hard for them to overcome.

Gary Stoeger

Northwest side

Democrats defend reproductive freedom

Watching the virtual Democratic National Convention as it announced the first-ever woman of color vice presidential candidate running on a major party ticket, it’s clear that this is a historic election. For many reasons, Democrats are poised to permanently repeal the Helms Amendment and the global gag rule.

For the past four years, Trump’s devastating policies have threatened reproductive health and rights around the world. His expanded global gag rule bans health-care providers that receive U.S. aid from even mentioning abortion. Furthermore, the Helms Amendment, which Trump supports, bans U.S. foreign aid for abortion.

But Democrats are demanding action. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will fight to end these policies and ensure access to reproductive health care, including safe abortion, overseas. Here in Tucson, Reps. Raúl Grijalva and Ann Kirkpatrick are champions for reproductive rights.

As we look ahead to November, Tucsonans must head to the polls and vote for leaders who fight for health, empowerment and rights for people everywhere.

Yakeleen Almazan

South side

Activist mayor

has gone too far

Re: the Aug. 20 article “$1.25M donated for immigrants here hit by virus.”

Mayor Regina Romero states that this is financial relief for immigrants, who do not have access to the federal CARES Act funds, regardless of citizenship. The reason these people do not have access to federal funds is because they are not immigrants at all. They are undocumented immigrants and therefore do not qualify for relief funds.

The fact that the mayor is raising these funds to be distributed to these immigrants is illegal! She is promoting and supporting undocumented residents in the name of the city of Tucson. This is not your job, mayor.

Your job is to govern the citizens of Tucson, not to support your agenda to provide sanctuary to undocumented immigrants! Stop using your position to be an activist and govern. That’s what you were elected to do.

Tim Robertson


USPS hardly

under attack

The ridiculous controversy regarding the U.S. Postal Service is one of the most ridiculous fabricated controversies I have ever seen. The current director, Mr. Louis DeJoy, has been in office only since June 20. He happened to point out the actual inefficiencies at the post office that are no fault of his and go back years.

The $25 billion Ms. Nancy Pelosi wants to spend will not change a thing, certainly not in the near future. The president has absolutely no authority over the director. We have all seen the failings of the USPS. Stop making up stories; this has nothing to do with President Trump!

Helge Carson

Oro Valley

Don’t want to see candidates interact

I was discussing the presidential race with my wife during this tumultuous era of coronavirus. We think that the choice for the White House would be clarified by the airing of debates between candidates.

We have come up with an idea for a series of debates by the presidential candidates, and a single one between vice presidential candidates. These debates would be telecast on all the local channels during prime time. The format for each debate would be simple: The same questions posed to each candidate, the same amount of time to respond, and a five minute summary at the end of each debate by the candidates.

Please consider this request, the decision to elect the next president is important for the future of this country.

Victor and Barbara Panizzon

Northwest side

GOP now

a party of one

The messages from the opposing political parties are vastly different. From the Democrats you hear, when we win the election we will work to improve your life even if you oppose us. From the Republicans you hear, that if they should lose, the riots you see in Portland and Kenosha will come to your neighborhood wherever you live in America. It appears that the Republican Party has morphed into the Party of Trumpism.

Perhaps as many as 25% of the president’s supporters believe everything he says. The rest of the Republicans who have stayed with him, because they like his policies, fear his reactions if they dare to criticize him. It is a very sad and frightening problem.

With the Democrats, the goals are the same, although the ways to get there are different. With the Republicans it is the way of Trump, or else!

Ralph Prince

Green Valley

Just imagine

all the greatness

Continue to “Make America Great Again” this election. It is essential that we continue to build the wall (that Mexico was going to pay for) to stop the illegal flow of migrating wildlife (especially jaguars) from the south. It is good for the economy that we manufacture more dog kennels, so that we will have a place for those children ripped from the arms of their mothers for wanting a better way of life.

We all need to stand outside our homes, barefoot or in socks, waving our guns at the mailman because the mail is late. Continue to MAGA, don’t forget your tear gas and armed escort, and yes, the Bible, when you make believe you are going to church. Let us all neglect science and wish for the miracle to stop COVID-19 while the infections and deaths continue. Let’s support eliminating the payroll tax to ensure corporations and the rich profit, while the middle class and elderly suffer.

Trump’s MAGA vision is great, but so is the toilet.

Michael Coiro

East side

GOP foments civil unrest

“Make no mistake: No matter where you live, your family will not be safe in the radical Democrats’ America.” This untrue and scary statement this week from Patty McCloskey, who along with her husband, were charged after pointing guns at peaceful protesters in St. Louis, clearly shows the route Donald Trump is taking to try to win the upcoming election.

His basic position is that all Democrats are violent radicals who want to destroy the United States. Not only are these type of statements blatantly untrue, but they are a dangerous call to violence and potentially civil war. It is one thing to disagree with another party’s policies, it is another to use fear tactics to label every individual who does not agree with you as basically a terrorist.

Lynn Malley

Northeast side

Idea for mail-in voting

Here’s an idea. How about having the U.S. Postal Service carriers collect the ballots each day and as their last stop of the day they deliver them to the county Board of Supervisors office? This would save time and money and guarantee that last minute mail would arrive in a timely fashion, even on Election Day.

Dan Beamer

Northwest side

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