June 28, 1972 Tucson, AZ US Tucson Community Center Drone ~ Immigrant Song, Heartbreaker, Black Dog, Over the Hills and Far Away, Since I've Been Loving You, Stairway to Heaven, Bron-Y-Aur Stomp, Dazed and Confused (incl. The Crunge), What Is and What Should Never Be, Dancing Days, Moby Dick, Whole Lotta Love (medley incl. Let That Boy Boogie, Let's Have a Party, Stuck On You, Hello Mary Lou, Going Down Slow), Rock and Roll. Dazed crowd bows to Zep's blasting, crashing revelry 6/29/1972 | Tucson AZ Daily Citizen Amazing. In three days the Community Center Arena has been the site of two of the most outstanding rock concerts ever to hit this town. First Jethro Tull, now led Zeppelin. Zeppelin has its own Seven Blocks of Granite sitting at the foot of the stage for protection. The crowd crushes that far and no further. This, is because, among other things, the group is a whole hour late in starting. But finally on they come. Jimmy Page and his rock-em guitar, Robert Plant and his shrill telephone wire voice. John "Bonzo" Bonham and his bludgeoning drums and John Paul Jones, bass man with a dash of electric piano. All in Levi bells, nothing especially flashy. But oh you kid, who hid the lid? For openers: "Immigrant Song," "Heartbreaker," "Black Dog" (and one of rock's more cryptic beats), "Since You Been Lovin' Me," "Stairway to Heaven'.' — is there no end? — "Bron-Y-Aur Stomp," a newly arranged "Dazed and Confused" complete with Page playing guitar break with, a violin bow, "What Is and What-Should Never Be," "Moby Dick" featuring a pretty mediocre drum break,, "Whole Lotta Love" and an olio of rock n' rollers, including Elvis "Stuck on You" and (unreal) Rick Nelson's "Mary Lou."So much for statistics. These guys are the No, 1 proponents of simple, landmine; hard-as-knuckles rock, and the loudest. Impossible-to hear without plugged ears, in parts. And, as usual, the only real wrench ijn the works is the long guitar soloing, one in almost every, song. Page is brilliant, granted, but after a while, migrainous. Plant, who jumps around and flings back his head like a groupie that doesn't quite know what's happening, at one point-sits with Page and Jones and they do a hoedown-ish number. Page, in "Whole Lotta Love," Inserts a piece of 'I'm Not talkin', a song from his old band, the Yardbirds. In "Heartbreaker," he slips in "Bourre," which Tull did Monday night, only Page has a bigger audience: 9,000. 'Now a friend of mine meets me after the show and sums it up: ""Yeah, I liked it, but I shouldn't." Why? "Because it goes against everything I like about music. I shouldn't have dug that stuff at all, but I did." The pot smoke was thick. The band was awesome. Jimmy did the violin bow thing like I had seen in Phx 2 years earliier. Bonham did a great drum solo on Moby Dick. Something like a sister to previous shows. The playing is more comptact and tight but it doesn't means less interesting. As always during this tour, Dazed And Confused and the Whole Lotta Love medley shines. No previews tonight except for Over The Hills And Far Away. Type &fmt=18 at the end of the URL for high quality sound and pix!