AskWOT hosts events that enable women to form partnerships and a network of support. 

Women supporting women.

That's what the group Ask Women of Tucson (AskWOT for short) is all about.

Through public events, videos showcasing local women and a high school initiative, AskWOT hopes to create a diverse group of women of all ages to support one another through life's ups and downs.

"We really have come together in a sense of wanting to overcome challenges and also to talk about our strengths and our successes," said group member Caitlin Beckett.

The group formed in 2016 when a few science students at the UA felt they needed female support in a largely male-dominated field. They created a safe space to talk about their experiences and to build each other up.

Now the group includes women in all fields. And, it will soon include high school girls.

AskWOT is forming partnerships with local high schools and libraries to connect girls to each other and to women in the community. When all is said and done, the group plans to host three events per semester at different library branches. 

"We try to keep things informal," Beckett said. "It's more of a sharing event in a safe place with peers and friends that support each other."

The AskWOT art team creates videos to showcase different Tucson women.

"We have these badass women we are working with so we want to showcase all that women of Tucson have to offer," Beckett said. 

The videos include short interviews, street interviews and discussions on issues important to Tucson women. 

AskWOT is hosting its spring mixer on Wednesday and all women are invited to attend. The point of the mixer is to create partnerships that continue to form outside of the event. 

If you go

What: AskWOT: Spring Mixer Event

When: Wednesday, April 25, 6-8 p.m.

Where: Mercado San Agustin, 100 S. Avenida del Convento

Cost: Free, but bring money for food and drink

Info: Click here

There is no fee to be a part of AskWOT. For information on how you can get involved, click here

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Angela Pittenger | This Is Tucson