Tucson Together

Pedestrians walk past a mural on the west side of Playground Bar and Lounge, 278 E. Congress St., on April 27, 2020. The mural, painted by Jessica Gonzales, was inspired by local businesses, according to Gonzales' Facebook page. Each letter represents a Tucson business. From left to right is Old Tucson Studios, Fox Tucson Theatre, Hotel Congress, Eegee's, the Gateway Saguaro sign on Oracle and Adams Street, Hub Restaurant and Ice Creamery, Ben's Bells and the Rialto Theatre. 

Dear readers,

2020 is unprecedented in so many ways.

We are staying in our homes. Schools and parks are empty. Many of our beloved local businesses are closed. Perhaps, for the first time, we’re truly examining what is essential to our lives and our communities.

I think you will agree that having access to reliable local reporting is more important than ever.

In the last few months, This Is Tucson quickly reprioritized our reporting efforts to focus on local resources, impacts to local workers and small businesses and helpful info to help you understand and navigate the COVID-19 outbreak in our city.

Our staff of five amazing women are working remotely, trying to stay on top of information that is changing hourly. In this time of great uncertainty, you can depend on us to find the helpful, relevant and accurate information you need. We believe that information should be free so we do not have a paywall.

But, we need your help too. With local businesses closed, we continue to lose critical revenue from local advertising and sponsorships. We understand many of our friends in the business community can’t support us right now. Can we count on you?

Become a member today and help us continue to do this important work —tap here to join today. 

This Is Tucson members get access to our staff through a secret Facebook group, 30% off t-shirts and tote bags and more to come. 

And to those of you who already have become our founding members THANK YOU.

Irene McKisson, editor and co-founder #ThisIsTucson


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