Los Equipos de Alcance para Personas sin Hogar de la ciudad de Tucsón y el Departamento de Policía responden a llamadas sobre campamentos de gente sin hogar y los acercan a recursos que incluyen vivienda permanente.

Stephanie Casanova
Stephanie is a Tucson native and graduated from the University of Arizona in 2014. She worked for newspapers in Rapid City, South Dakota; Manhattan, Kansas; and Lake Havasu City before moving back to Tucson.El Equipo de Apoyo de Salud Mental de Tucsón establece relaciones con los centros de observación de crisis que permiten a los oficiales llevar rápidamente ahí a las personas que experimentan una crisis mental en lugar de llevarlas a la cárcel.
Black and Latino community leaders talk to recruits about the diverse cultures of Tucson and how police may be perceived in those communities.
El Equipo de Recursos para el Uso de Sustancias de Tucsón educa a las personas sobre los recursos de la comunidad y ofrece transporte a las instalaciones de desintoxicación para las personas que estén listas para dar ese paso.
The O'odham language was placed on UNESCO's endangered list in 2018, something Tohono O'odham language experts saw coming but that has allowed the nation to obtain funding for a language center.
Ofelia Zepeda, a University of Arizona linguistics professor, has been studying and writing the O’odham language since the mid 1970s. She represents the U.S. on an international Indigenous Languages task force.
As officials were responding to the bear on the utility pole, the Arizona Game and Fish officials cleared a 300-pound bear from Highway 82 between Sonoita and Patagonia after it had been fatally struck.
Empanadas with Caribbean, Central- and South-American flavors are becoming increasingly popular in Tucson. You can find several variations of …
Savory empanadas in Latin American countries are often ordered as appetizers or as street food that people can snack on. Here are five places you can find savory empanadas and unique sweet ones around Tucson.