Here are seven of some the biggest so far.

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The New Horizons mission to Pluto isn’t rewriting the textbooks, says NASA spokesman Dwayne Brown.

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The New Horizons team has informally named Pluto’s icy mountain ranges for the first two men known to reach the peak of Mount Everest, though …

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That heart-shaped feature in the iconic image put together by the NASA team as New Horizons approached the ninth planet is real.

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No, we’re not talking about Pluto the dog, whose name was changed by the Disney folks from Rover to Pluto shortly after Clyde Tombaugh discove…

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For most of its life Pluto has been the incredible shrinking planet. When first discovered, astronomers thought it was the size of Jupiter, th…

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The real color images of Pluto captured by New Horizons show it to have a variety of light and dark features — with an overall rusty red tint.