Tucson Electric Power will provide nearly 1,800 programmable, β€œself-learning” thermostats to low-income customers as part of its state-mandated energy efficiency program.

TEP said it is working with local apartment complexes that participate in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Housing Choice Voucher Program to provide the Nest Learning Thermostats, which retail for about $250 each.

The thermostats will be installed at no cost to residents, who also will receive energy-efficient light bulbs, educational materials with energy-saving strategies and detailed thermostat instructions, TEP said.

Nest says its thermostats can help users save an average of 15 percent on cooling bills and 10 to 12 percent on heating bills annually. The thermostats can β€œlearn” customer temperature preferences in about a week and automatically adjust to help save energy. The thermostats also can be adjusted remotely using a smartphone, tablet or laptop in homes with a Wi-Fi connection.

The thermostats will be installed through a pilot program that is part of TEP’s energy-efficiency offerings for residential and commercial customers .

TEP’s customer-funded energy-efficiency programs are reviewed and approved by the Arizona Corporation Commission, which has mandated that state-regulated utilities achieve cumulative energy savings of 22 percent by 2020.

TEP says the programs have been proven to be cost-effective for all customers by reducing the long-term need for new energy resources. The program also helps to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, reducing emissions and water usage, the company said.

A complete list of programs is available at tep.com/efficiency

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