This is what Arizona brewers look like ... πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ

Female brewers from across the state of Arizona traveled to downtown's Barrio Brewing Co. this week for a special collaboration. 

The beer they made together? A Double IPA ...

They call it State Bird (get it, women? birds?), and when it's finished it'll be distributed throughout the state in honor of Arizona Beer Week, Feb. 9-18. Made with Apollo, Citra and Falconer's Flight hops, the beer will clock in at about 7 1/2 percent alcohol by volume. 

"IPA is the fastest growing style in the US, it's the stuff everybody loves," said participant Sarah Ritchie, the Southern Arizona sales rep for Arizona Beer and Cider Co. "There's a tendency to not do 'quote, unquote,' girly beers. Beer has no gender." 

Women from several Tucson breweries participated, including Crooked Tooth, Dragoon, Pueblo Vida, Sentinel Peak and more. Together, they made 30 barrels of the beer, which is about 60 kegs worth. 

I for one, can't wait to try it! Stay tuned to see where you can get it in Tucson. 


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