Ryan Clark during a cooking demonstration on Inspired Indian Cooking at the Tucson Festival of Books.

When a famous talk show wants to stage a tailgate cooking competition to kick off the start of the NFL season, who do they call? A chef from Tucson, naturally ...

At least that's what the Today Show did, when they invited Ryan Clark to prepare a meal for live TV this Friday morning. The head chef at Casino del Sol's PY Steakhouse will make three different tailgate dishes live at Rockefeller Center in New York City. He's representing the Arizona Cardinals, who will take on the New England Patriots this Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m.

Clark is up against a chef from New England, who will also create three dishes that represent the northeast. Hosts will taste both of the contestants' offerings and decide which is better. 

Here's what Clark is making ...

— A guacamole bar with traditional guac from Clark's cookbook "Modern Southwest Cooking," spruced up optional condiments like bacon, grilled pineapple and pomegranate seeds.

— Pork tacos braised in Mexican grapefruit soda and a (yet undecided) local Arizona beer. Paired with a veggie salad of beets, carrots, apples, red onions and pickled jalapeños. 

— Traditional Sonoran hot dogs wrapped in bacon with mayo, mustard, pinto beans, pico de gallo, cheese and jalapeño salsa.

Clark says he's looking forward to meeting host Savannah Guthrie, who is also from Tucson and attended the University of Arizona. 

"I'm excited!" he said. "I'm a huge Cardinals fan, so it's perfect for me to go and represent them." 

Do you think he can win? 

Catch Ryan from 7 to 11 a.m. this Friday morning on KVOA, Channel 4. If you have a service provider, you can also stream the show at NBC.com


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