Oro Valley Town Council

Oro Valley Mayor Satish Hiremath, left, and council member Lou Waters were among those who voted for the increases.

The Oro Valley Town Council unanimously backed a series of water rate increases, citing an anticipated rise in the cost for electricity and water from the Central Arizona Project.

The increase, which would be effective early next month, would add 44 cents to the typical homeowner’s water bill, the council said.

The figure is based on the town’s calculation that the average household uses 8,000 gallons per month.

Town officials calculate the rate increase will cost a commercial business an additional $2.85 per month.

The rate increase will cost a golf course an additional $400 a month, calculated with an average monthly consumption of 10 million gallons.

Additionally, the council approved increases in reclaimed water rates, potable and reclaimed construction water rates and meter security deposits for water meters.

The utility uses a tiered system that increases costs after exceeding a certain threshold.

For example, residents pay slightly more per gallon for potable water after using more than 7,000 gallons per month.

Town utility officials said they expected Tucson Electric Power to increase rates in 2017 by as much as 15 percent, as well as rate increases from the Central Arizona Project.

The town-owned utility gets 10,305 acre-feet annually from the Central Arizona Project.

Figures included in staff reports show while the number of water customers in Oro Valley has increased by 7 percent in the last 10 years, the overall consumption of potable water has decreased by 15 percent during the same period.

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Contact reporter Joe Ferguson at jferguson@tucson.com or 573-4197. On Twitter: @JoeFerguson