Jessie Byrd, left, Native Plant Nursery Manager for Pima County, left, and Sandy Bolduc, Senior Landscape Architect at Pima County Regional Flood Control District, place location flags for 1800 plants in the Christina-Taylor Green Memorial Park on Shannon Rd. at Magee Rd. on February 27, 2017. Flagging and irrigation work will continue through the next two weeks with planting likely to to begin in mid-March. The centerpiece sculpture is provided by All Classics Ltd. Christina-Taylor Green was killed in a mass shooting at Ina and Oracle roads in 2011. The sculpture was modified was to include butterflies on the log and the words LOVE and HOPE on the books at the request of the Green family. The park addition is scheduled to open in April.

Jessie Byrd, left, Native Plant Nursery Manager for Pima County, left, and Sandy Bolduc, Senior Landscape Architect at Pima County Regional Flood Control District, place location flags for 1800 plants in the Christina-Taylor Green Memorial Park on Shannon Rd. at Magee Rd. on February 27, 2017. Flagging and irrigation work will continue through the next two weeks with planting likely to to begin in mid-March. The centerpiece sculpture is provided by All Classics Ltd. It reflects Christina-Taylor (the girl sitting up) with her brother Dallas (the boy with his head in her lap). The sculpture was modified was to include butterflies on the log and the words LOVE and HOPE on the books at the request of the Green family. Christina-Taylor Green was killed in a mass shooting at Ina and Oracle roads in 2011. The park addition is scheduled to open in April.

Work continues at Christina-Taylor Green Memorial River Park as Jessie Byrd, native plant nursery manager for Pima County, left, and Sandy Bolduc, senior landscape architect at Pima County Regional Flood Control District, place location flags for some of the park’s 1,800 plants. Planting is likely to begin in mid-March at the park, which is on Shannon Road at Magee Road. The centerpiece sculpture reflects Christina-Taylor (the girl sitting up) with her brother, Dallas (the boy with his head on her lap). Christina-Taylor, then 9, was among six people killed in a mass shooting at Ina and Oracle roads in 2011.

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