Ducey vs. education

This week I attended a family and faculty meeting via Zoom for my grandchild’s elementary school. Our principal shared more news about state education funding.

Gov. Doug Ducey doesn’t appear to believe freedom comes with responsibility. His misuse of federal funds is unconscionable. I am irritated at his refusal to distribute certain educational funds because our school district implements lawful COVID-19 mitigation measures. Thank goodness our district understands its responsibility to the local community and focuses its policies accordingly.

Recently, the Biden administration warned Ducey to stop playing games with the state’s federal pandemic funds for new education grants. And yet, Ducey still finds ways to bilk honorable school districts that prioritize health and safety over politics. We’re told our funding is still “under review.” It’s unclear whether our funds might be used for a different purpose or diverted to other districts.

Here’s hoping the U.S. Department of Education sidesteps Ducey’s agenda and supports sensible school districts through direct funding measures.

Kim Miklofsky Bayne

North side

Why do we need the Senate


The Senate has not been a real governing body since 2001. We need to get rid of the Senate and just add two more House Representatives from every state. The Senate has been a joke with their filibuster rule and how one senator can keep them from passing a bill to help the entire country. Just look at what the senators from West Virginia, Arizona, North Carolina, Florida and Texas are doing now. Look what has been done over the last 10 years — nothing but fighting and total hate for the Senate from other senators. Do not know how to do this, but it is time.

Patrick Allen


Tale of 2 different presidents

One president implemented laws, regulations and international agreements to keep illegal border crossings to one of the lowest numbers in recent history.

The other undid policies that were working, allowing more than 1 million illegal entries this year. The Border Agents are overwhelmed, releasing undocumented without serious vetting, biometrics, COVID-19 screening and some will receive assistance — thank you United States federal taxpayers!

One president reduced tax rates spurring economic growth and the lowest unemployment figures in years (including the Black and Hispanic communities).

The other president wants large tax increases that will impact everyone. If the company you buy from shows a profit, you, the purchaser paid the increased taxes. This $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill is loaded with “pork,” will sink our economy and includes some social programs for those illegally crossing our borders.

Also, guess which president avoids questions and saying “God Bless America”?

Warren Wright

Oro Valley

Fortunate to have Biden

Re: the Oct. 10 letter “Biden, not Trump, caused disasters.”

Joe Biden has done more for our country in 10 months than Trump did in four years.

It was Donald Trump who presided over an influx of migrants at the border. Because Trump shut down asylum at the border, it drove up border crossings. He left a mess for Biden.

Biden’s U.S. Citizenship Act will create a pathway to citizenship, keep families together and prevent narcotics from entering the U.S.

It was Trump who set the deadline to leave Afghanistan. Biden evacuated 120,000 people in two weeks.

As for high gas prices, they are caused by OPEC, increased demand and hurricanes — not Biden.

We are fortunate to have sensible Joe Biden as president.

Larry Bodine


Appeal to independents

Re: the Oct. 11 opinion article “We must protect our democracy — now.”

As noted by Bette Immel in her guest opinion article about protecting our democracy, it is incumbent for all reasonable and thoughtful citizens, particularly independents not aligned with any party, to vote against any politician who believes in Trump’s Big Lie and voted for bills designed to suppress the vote.

For who we are as Americans, no issue is more important than preserving democracy.

Mitchell Anderson


Let’s add to Sinema’s wardrobe

Re: the Oct. 5 article “US is fast approaching point of no return.”

Let’s buy Sen. Kyrsten Sinema the jacket Melania Trump wore, stating “I really don’t care. Do you?” Recall, Melania wore it surveying how her husband separated children from their parents at the border? Our senator seemingly doesn’t care about children, women, education, health, climate change or much beyond Phoenix campaigns.

She professes Americans and the planet cost too much at $3.5 trillion over a decade, or $350 billion annually, as author John M. Crisp reminded us in “U.S. is fast approaching point of no return.” Crisp didn’t mention the U.S. spent about $3 trillion on defense in just four years.

I’d ask Sinema: Why not cut defense? Why aren’t Americans worth our own tax dollars? But I get an answering machine with the same voice at all her offices. She won’t respond to emails. Care to throw a faux funding party and present the jacket, and get some answers?

Nancy Jacques

Northeast side

Nothing to see here, just move along!

I drive into the gas station and it costs me a lot more. Shutting down American production when we had been independent.

I go to the grocery store and prices are rising at an alarming rate.

Nothing to see here, just move along!

We are told that parents no longer have a say with the education of their children.

We are told that the border is closed, but 200,000 people are crossing each month.

Nothing to see here just move along!

Crime up, police support down. Drug overdoses up, support down.

Nothing to see here, just move along!

We are no longer able to move along without asking who is running this disaster.

Rich Barnes

East side

Stalemate in the Senate

Following the slew of letters to the editor, either regretting grassroots campaigning for Sen. Kyrsten Sinema or endorsing her “pragmatic approach” resulting in Senate deadlock, let me remind readers that neither Sinema nor Sen. Joe Manchin would be in dealmaker positions if not for the special election of two Georgia senators.

So the way I gauge it, the progressive efforts to help elect two “forward-thinking” senators in a Southern state has enabled these two “Centrist” to wield ultimate control over the destiny of the United States citizenry.

Since Sinema’s office will not respond to any contact and Manchin’s response, from the upper deck of his yacht, is “no entitlements!” Will someone please remind them that without the hard work of a national progressive movement their stances would be moot.

Jonathan Schultz

Northwest side

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