The following is the opinion and analysis of the writer:

In Illinois, as an independent, I could vote in primaries. For the last 20 years here in Tucson, my voice cannot be heard.

The number of voters who identify as independents in Arizona has only grown larger over these past 20 years. So, to be denied the right to vote in primaries makes no sense.

People have told me just declare a party before primary and then change back to independent. I choose not to do that. Why should we as independents be treated like second-class citizens?

I think both parties might have to come up with better candidates if independents could vote in the primaries. I think we would have better debates and better choices when independents were included. Candidates would have to work for our votes. They would need to explain their policies.

Many elections by primary time everyone already knows who will win. I have voted as an independent voter for almost sixty years. We live in a free country where every voice and every opinion should be valued. Right now, I definitely do not think Arizona values my voice or opinion. Independents tend to really research the candidates before voting. I can never imagine voting a straight party line. If the party I identify more with values loses a Senate seat, then so be it.

I hope everyone votes. It is a privilege a right and an honor. Vote for who most represents your values and needs. But vote.

I tell all 14 of my grandchildren to vote. I don’t tell them who to vote for. I tell them if you vote differently than I do that’s fine as long as you vote. I hope Prop 140 passes. I will proudly go and vote in primaries. All our voices can be heard. And that, to me, is what being an American is all about.

To everyone who asks me about Prop 140, I encourage them to vote yes. To let my voice and all Arizonans’ voices be heard. The scare tactics about this proposition are just that — scare tactics and sometimes actual lies. Read up on this and all propositions and carefully consider where you stand in each and every one. To those who say who cares: I care, and the other independent voters in our wonderful state care. Please consider voting yes on Prop 140 and letting us all have a voice in primaries.

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Judith Bach is a retired teacher who has lived in Tucson for more than 20 years.