Contrary to Pope, it’s a clear choice

I confess I am a lapsed Catholic, primarily because of the church’s anti-abortion rhetoric and its historically anti-feminist stance. But I have always admired Pope Francis. That is why I am so disappointed in his decision to equate Trump’s anti-immigrant rantings with Harris’ pro-choice position and his telling U.S. voters to choose between “the lesser of two evils.”

Setting aside the impropriety of the head of one of the world’s largest religions commenting on a fraught political situation in a sovereign country, how can the Pope so easily dismiss all the other un-Christian aspects of a flawed human being like Trump? His lies and insults, his greed, his treatment of women, his criminal activity.

This election is not the choice between the lesser of two evils. It is the choice between an evil man and a good woman. The choice is clear.

Karen Schickedanz

Oro Valley

Proposition 134


A recent commentary claims that Proposition 134 is designed to ensure ballot initiatives are “genuinely representative of all Arizonans.” Nope. It’s designed to make it harder for Arizona citizens to qualify an initiative for statewide ballot by requiring they collect a certain number of signatures from all 30 legislative districts in the state.

Every Arizonan has an opportunity to help approve or defeat a ballot initiative at election time.

Michael P. Cuno

Oro Valley

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Misplaced concern

What kind of person gets irate about the rumored, mythical cannibalism of a cat in Springfield, Ohio, but shows no concern for the people of Springfield? Schools (two elementary, one middle) have been closed because of bomb threats. Haitian families fear for their lives. How about those children who couldn’t attend school last week?

This person might be a supporter of the former President, who continues to fuel the destructive wildfire that is hate. He abuses his power as a public figure, ranting about a fantasized dead cat and ignoring the damage his words do to Springfield’s public safety. Former President Trump is not fit for office.

His supporters fear the truth: their flailing, failing hero is as false as his speech.

Sherry Machen

Green Valley

Election decision

When making your decision on who to vote for, it is your choice but does need a little consideration beyond clicking on the party choice. Start by ignoring everything the opposing candidate says about the other candidate for the simple reason that there are probably a number of lies and distortions in an effort to influence your thinking. Instead, sit down and make a couple of lists. First, document everything that each candidate did in office, providing a history and a record of what they may do in office, consider the old saying “A leopard can’t change its spots”. Yes, it is likely that history will repeat itself, without regard to the promises made in campaign speeches. Second, make a list of what you think are the plans and programs for each candidate while in office based on their history and the promises they have made, how much do you really know about the likely agenda of each candidate? What do you want the history to show?

Loran Hancock

Northwest side

Mass shootings

Dennis Prager, Jewish Conservative Radio host, asked: “If guns are the cause, why have mass shootings (70s 8/yr, 2020 51/yr), and gun restrictions, increased while gun ownership hasn’t (guns per household: 1970 40%, 2021 36%)?”

Mass shootings clearly demonstrate the decay of U.S. morality since the 70s. Hippies brought us free love, sex outside of marriage, “if it feels good, do it.” Further degradation followed: abortion, same-sex marriage, legalized gambling, your own truth — Oprah.

Disrespect for the law (undocumented immigrants are good) and abandonment of traditional values are normal, especially disrespect for the value of the human life itself. Sons see their moms kill their babies in the womb and then shoot their peers.

The Why? Can be understood by observing the elimination of God from society: “evil is the absence of God.” The rise in evil behavior is directly related to:

God removed from schools.

Church attendance: 1950 49%, 2021 29%.

Belief in God: 1950 98%, 2023 74%.

Guns are not the cause!

John A. Evans

Southeast side

A photo of the current view looking north along South Euclid Avenue, from a point just north of East 36th Street (top image), compared with a simulated image of the same point with 138-kilovolt transmission lines and poles installed. The comparison was generated by TEP as part of its bid for approval of its Midtown Reliability Project and is on TEP’s preferred route for the controversial power line.

TEP & aesthetics

To ignore the importance of aesthetics in our community is to ignore the vital role beauty in our surroundings has on our mental health. Over the past 5 years, TEP has quietly covered our streets with huge, fat, rust colored poles, darker than existing wooden ones, refused to underground through neighborhoods because of cost, damaged our vistas and walled in our streets with the stifling effect of 10-12 story height poles. The impact affects our moods, mental health, the capacity to elicit pleasure as we drive toward the mountains or along any of these impacted streets. Beautiful things enhance our lives and stimulate our brains. They should be a big part of any decision to put up anything within our views. That includes the destruction of the Santa Ritas with mining the leaves their purple and green faces reduced to dirt piles. Think beyond your pocketbook.

Christie Cummins


One-time Democratic voter

Trump’s appalling comments about immigrants munching on pets has led to bomb threats in Springfield Ohio. His proven lies are only eclipsed by his cruelty. His goal is unclear since he is not only attacking legal immigrants but also impacting children whose schools must lock down, parents who must miss work and businesses forced to close.

The MAGA experience is a festering sore which needs to heal. The solution is to follow the examples of Liz and Dick Cheney and vote, just this once, for Democrats. If enough independents and moderate Republicans were to do the same, perhaps this rotting tail will stop wagging the dog.

Please consider being a one-time Democratic voter in 2024. Send a clear message that the mean spirited, dangerous MAGA movement must be stopped by voting them out of office in droves. After November we can go back to our normal political discourse, but just once, vote for candidates up and down the ballot with a “D” by their names.

Jim Lombardo

Oro Valley

Left out one very important duty

Re: the Sept. 17 article “Teachers don’t perform surgeries.”

As a retired public-school teacher and administrator (43 years of service in three states), Mr. Rodarte’s opinion struck a nerve, but not for the reason one might assume.

The one almost essential duty not listed is the expectation that school employees are the first line of defense for students when an armed person or persons enters school grounds. Public school employees should qualify for full retirement after completing twenty years of service and reaching age 50 or after 25 years of service no matter their age. This is a standard that many communities have for public law enforcement agencies and firefighters.

If the expectation is the same, to place one’s life and/or safety in jeopardy when necessary (and we do have that expectation now), then the retirement benefits should be similar.

Craig Whaley

Oro Valley

Reasonable solutions

Great leaders have the ability to find reasonable solutions to often complex problems. I have had the pleasure of working with Rex Scott on a number of issues including severe flooding in our neighborhood. In every instance he listened, understood the issue, and worked to find a resolution.

He understands the Tucson community and the important role Pima County has in our success. As District One Supervisor he has always made himself available to his constituents. We are very fortunate to have someone with such great integrity and dedication to serving his community. He deserves our support and thanks. Let’s reelect Rex.

Jim Darling


Accessibility sidewalks/streets

A huge thank you to the City of Tucson for making many of the sidewalks-to-streets accessible in our neighborhood! The workers did a very professional job with little inconvenience to the neighborhood. Each intersection was done with meticulous attention to the requirements of the specific site. In addition, the WPA markers were retained and placed appropriately. Now my neighbor can conveniently push her brother’s wheelchair from the street to her home. Again, thank you!

Nancy Murphy


What is a tariff

As someone who has had to pay a tariff I would like to address what a tariff is. When we bought our house here in Tucson, I wanted evacuated solar tubes to heat our pool. I purchased them directly from China since it was not possible to buy from anywhere else. They were shipped just as Donald Trump imposed his tariffs on Chinese goods. When the crate arrived I had to go down to the customs office at TUC and, as the purchaser, I had to pay the tariff (tax) to get the delivery. “China” did not pay the tariff, I paid the tariff at our customs border control. This is how all tariffs work, the buyer (American businesses) has to pay the tariff at our border — not China (or other foreign country or business). It’s just another tax. That’s why economists say it will raise prices — just like it increased the price of what I bought.

Katherine Kenward


Electoral college

The people wanting to abolish the electoral college probably all live in large cities. Small cities like Yuma, Quartzsite, Parker and any other small city in Arizona won’t even have to worry about voting because the large cities will do the choosing. These people need to read the Constitution, not try to abolish it.

The Electoral College turns swing states into microcosms of America, where candidates are forced to go beyond the big cities and reach out to all kinds of people.

The Electoral College unifies, moderates, and protects American politics. It is part of what makes the United States a republic.

The Electoral College forces candidates to build national support, unifying rather than dividing the country.

The Framers of the U.S. Constitution created the Electoral College to reduce the risks of corruption, regionalism, and back-room politics. They rejected a national popular vote because it lacked any checks and balances.

John Mathews


Personal freedom and privacy

The government should never play a role in anyone’s fundamental right to make personal decisions for themselves and their families. The decision to bring a child into the world is a deeply personal one and the only people, other than the woman, who should have any say in that decision are parents, spouses, and medical professionals. This is not a Republican or a Democrat issue. It is a matter of personal freedom and privacy.

The citizen-initiated Abortion Access Amendment will amend the Arizona constitution to guarantee reproductive rights free from political interference. Without these protections, Arizona girls and women are being forced to face very real health threats that can arise from pregnancy along with threats of legal punishment for making their own healthcare decisions. Outlawing abortions puts millions of girls’ and women’s health and well-being at risk.

A majority of Arizonans support this non-partisan issue concerning abortion rights. This is a personal freedom that no one should take away. Vote YES on Prop 139.

Sally Simmons


Candidates with character

For most of my voting life, I was a registered independent. I cast my votes based on the character of candidates, not partisan labels. When I moved from Massachusetts to Arizona, it coincided with the Republican Party changing from one based on principles to one based allegiance to Donald Trump; so, for the first time in my life, I registered as a Democrat. Still, I care about character, especially after witnessing the demise of an LD17 legislator who thought she was above the law. Fortunately, I’ve discovered that LD17 has two Democratic candidates with upstanding character — John McLean and Kevin Volk. Both have deep roots in Southern Arizona, both have experience running businesses that contribute to our community, and both are committed to bipartisan solutions. McLean and Volk recognize the need for quality public education, affordable housing and healthcare (included reproductive healthcare with government interference) and a secure water supply. If these are the issues you care about, these are the LD17 candidates to vote for.

Thea Chalow

Oro Valley

Vote yes on 139

Banning abortions will not stop abortions, it will only stop safe abortions.

Pamela Ryan

East side

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