TUSD students and teachers will be wearing masks as they return to school this year.

Understanding critical race theory

In order to help me understand the need for critical race theory (CRT) I have come up with this:

First off you ask: If I had my life to relive as a person of a race other than my current one, would I do it? The next question is “Why?” Then you will have an understanding of the need for teaching CRT.

James Galvin


Trump fractured our democracy

This country will never recover from the last four years until Donald J. Trump is charged, arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced to prison for at least one of the many crimes he has committed.

His lying, criminal way of operating has created an anti-democracy cult that has been embraced by the Republican Party and 74 million people that voted for him.

Democracy is fragile, and fascism is rearing its ugly possibility.

Richard Winkler

East side

Innocents could be framed

Re: the online article “Apple can scan your photos for child abuse and still protect your privacy — if the company keeps its promises.”

There has never been a time when Big Brother has invaded the personal rights of its citizens more. The recent move to let a private company openly surveil the public is an outrage.

Wouldn’t it be more reasonable to hold Big Tech responsible for any questionable material that is uploaded to the internet?

The surveillance technique that Apple is intending to implement will open the door for framing innocents. What about people opening pictures that are sent to them in emails?

What would stop a person from putting a questionable picture on an innocent person’s device and then uploading it to the internet? Can you trust Big Tech with all your personal or financial information?

Please, write your representative in Congress to protest this invasion of your personal rights.

Victor Panizzon

Northwest side

TUSD teaching free thinking

Re: the Aug. 8 letter “TUSD teaching anarchy.”

Regarding Mr. Rossi’s letter, I believe rather than teaching “anarchy” to students, TUSD and other school districts are not only showing that unjust and dangerous laws must be fought both legally and with common sense but that it is sometimes necessary to think for one’s self.

The idea that a “no mask” requirement be mandated in the schools is removing one of our self-defense mechanisms against the newest virus and its virus variants.

Other school district’s in different states have come up with the same disregard for an unjust and dangerous law and refuse to follow the same ill-thought-out laws regarding student and teacher safety.

Wishing that the virus did not exist is very well, but to think that you will be “magically” protected and safe because the governor decrees that it is now possible to return to normal habits is not just ill thought out but dangerous to those of us who are still trying to survive the virus and its possible variants.

Richard Rebl

East side

Letter “masks” the truth

The right in this country are like the pop radio stations of the ‘70s — they play the same songs (i.e. lies) over and over. Benghazi anyone?

I have once again read that Dr. Anthony Fauci didn’t recommend masking and then flip-flopped. When Dr. Fauci made those comments in March 2020 there were less than 500 confirmed cases in the United States.

Knowledge about the virus was very limited. How much it could be spread through touch was largely unknown. There was concern by experts that it might be spread through touching one’s face and then touching someone else.

Almost a year and a half later we know that respiration is the primary cause therefore masks help greatly. Dr. Fauci also was concerned about a shortage of masks in hospitals and it turns out between hoarding and our country’s lack of readiness, he was spot on.

Kalvin Smith


Justice Court wedding blues

Re: the Aug. 8 article “Pima audit faults court’s handling of wedding fees.”

As a retired Justice of the Peace, I would like to add some details to the recent article on weddings. Although not a part of “official” duties, performing wedding ceremonies is very much historically and currently a vital public service.

Not permitted to advertise, the public either just “knows” when needed to call a JP or find the information via Google or by friends/family referral. Conducting marriage ceremonies is the best part of being a JP.

Nothing is more fun than to to be out and about then hear someone say “Hey you married me!”

The fact that a fee is required for after-hours ceremonies is the worst kept secret ever. County administration has for years accepted full reimbursement from the JP’s for hired security present during wedding sessions.

Wedding supplies and expenses paid strictly from fees. Weddings only done after hours. Separate. Discretionary. Regular accounting standards not applicable.

Chuck Huckelberry was in the loop. Free weddings? Maybe he will get an online minister license and do them himself?

Paul Simon

Northwest side

Ducey’s actions disappointing

As much as I wanted to believe Gov. Doug Ducey would govern well, his actions have been disappointing.

His leadership role within his party has been lacking. After certifying the 2020 election and praising our process, Ducey failed to influence his fellow Republicans, which resulted in a baseless, embarrassing and fruitless audit that will cost millions in voting machine replacements.

He also demonstrated questionable leadership when he vetoed dozens of bills as punishment for Republicans’ tardiness in passing a budget.

Nor has Ducey fulfilled his role to improve the lives of Arizonans. His order prohibiting mask and vaccine requirements in public schools is irresponsible, inexplicably punitive and biased, since no such restrictions apply to private schools.

In addition to his total disregard for the health of students attending public schools, he continues to withhold over a billion dollars owed them each year, robbing all three of my children of the education they deserve.

For his lack of leadership and an unwillingness to improve our lives, Gov. Ducey disappoints.

Lorene Mclaughlin

Oro Valley

Our children’s health

There is only one question relevant to vaccinations and masks in our schools. What is the safest way to have our children in school classrooms?

The obvious answer based on all the medical data of the last 18 months is to vaccinate everyone eligible and have everyone wear masks. Masks and vaccinations don’t stop you from attending school, they don’t stop you from speaking, from seeing your friends, from doing math, from discussing issues of the day.

Children are getting the delta variant at much higher rates than the original virus, are being hospitalized, are suffering the long-term affects of COVID and dying.

Why would you not do everything to keep your child safe? That means keeping bus drivers and teachers and staff safe by having them vaccinated and wearing masks.

Why would you not want your children safe? Why? Forget politics, rights, conspiracies; our responsibility to our children is to keep them safe.

Donald Ries

Southeast side

My carrier’s last day

Thursday was the Wood family’s final day of delivering The Arizona Daily Star after more than two years of impeccable service.

They have been fantastic, going above and beyond their duties such as double bagging my paper during the monsoon season. My paper has always been right outside my door, not at the end of the driveway as I have experienced before.

Mr. Wood, you and your family will be missed! Best wishes to all of you.

Linda Henderson


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