Lies, deceptions and distortions

Lies, deceptions and distortions are tearing this country apart. There must be a way to publicly separate lies from truth. One possible way is to enact a civil law that will allow one person to confront and sue anyone who knowingly creates or posts misinformation or refuses to correct it if notified it is false. It would be modeled after the Texas law that allows one person to sue another who is involved in any way with an abortion. A panel would be needed to evaluate such suits and reviews, with the panel comprised of knowledgeable professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc. This panel would be comprised of paid positions, where funding is provided by up-front "court costs", initially paid by the "plaintiff". If what is posted is a lie or distortion, then the poster (defendant) pays court costs, is fined, and the plaintiff is paid their "reward", with court costs returned. Just an idea.

Troy Watson

East side

Vote no on Prop 139

The current abortion law in Arizona allows abortion on demand up to 15 weeks and any time after that for medical emergency of the mother. Abortions in the first trimester are done either by chemical induction, suction or dilation and curettage (D & C). Termination of a pregnancy in the second trimester (15 weeks-24 weeks) and beyond requires dilatation & evacuation (D & E) which carries a higher risk of complications for the mother. By 16 weeks the fetus is the size of an orange and grows rapidly from there. The fetus also begins to feel pain. This procedure may include pulling the fetus out in parts without any use of fetal anesthesia or stopping the heart before removal. It's barbaric. Veterinarians treat animals much more humanely when putting them down. For this reason, abortion is not healthcare after 15 weeks unless for the life of the mother and Arizona does not need prop 139.

Helen Danahey MD

Green Valley

Stupidity vs.gullibility

It may sound insensitive, but folks, there are lot of stupid people in the world. The term β€œstupidity” is a scientific concept that refers to a specific type of cognitive failure. It does not imply a lack of intelligence or knowledge. We have many individuals in the world that have been quite successful even though they may have been β€œcalled the dumbest person in school.”

So, what about gullibility? The United States is one of the most gullible countries in the world. A new study says that people, no matter their age, tend to be more gullible when they hear a statement repeated more than once. The habit of believing false information to be true is known as the illusory truth effect.

So, why do people continue to believe and support an individual convicted felon, who led an attempt to overthrow the United States Government. He has a running mate that looks like John Wayne Gacy. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart.

Thomas Wilson

Northwest side

Mines for whose benefit?

Re: the Sept. 21 "AZ mine gets $166M fed grant."

Who decided that Southern Arizona should be a national sacrifice area? Why are all these mines being developed in areas so heavy with population and so near beautiful mountains used for hiking, camping and other forms of recreation, not to mention religious rites? Yes, we all know we need specific minerals for industrial uses, but are there not deposits in more remote places around the world? Places that may actually have sufficient water resources to use, and once used won’t contaminate the drinking water and air of millions of people in the area? And, yes we need jobs, but how about ones that won’t injure the people doing the work (ask the Dine what all those uranium mining jobs did for their people). And if all the federal and state agencies intended to protect us decide these mines absolutely must be anyway, can the grant money and enormous profits at least benefit US companies?

Maggy Zanger


Dangerous statement

As a Foreign Medical Graduate, I have no standing in criticizing Senator J.D. Vance, the person, but I must point out a dangerous statement he made:

"If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that's what I'm going to do."

I am not judging his good intentions, but I suggest he consult with his medical adviser. In the medical community, we know a condition in which a parent is convinced that their child suffers from a condition doctors seem to be unable to diagnose. This person will create stories and induce symptoms in their child to β€œhelp the doctors to pay attention and find the diagnosis.” The children usually are not ill, but because of parental actions, the children’s mortality rate is about 10%. The parental illness is called β€œMunchausen by Proxy Syndrome.”

Uwe Manthei


Pima County District One supervisor election

Steve Spain does not understand Arizona law and all the needs of Pima County’s citizens. Spain is claiming that Pima County is running a deficit. If you go into the public records, you will find that counties in Arizona are subdivisions of the state and must comply with all statutes. ARS 42-17151 prohibits counties from adopting budgets with deficits. Pima county has never failed to comply with that statute. Either Spain is unaware of the law, or he is purposely deceiving the public about Pima County’s record.

I wonder if Mr. Spain understands that supervisors are responsible for the budget, health and community services including childcare, law enforcement, and public works including roads and sewers. During the COVID pandemic, as a senior citizen, I was grateful that Pima County spent Federal funds to work with the hospitals to deal with the crisis.

Rex Scott is a tremendous leader as a supervisor in Pima County. I urge my fellow voters to reelect him in District 1.

Linda Horowitz


Arizona Corporation Commission candidates (from left): Ylenia Aguilar, Jonathon Hill, Rene Lopez, Lea Marquez Peterson, Joshua Polacheck and Rachel Walden gather for a Citizens Clean Elections debate Tuesday in Phoenix.

Lea MΓ‘rquez Peterson for re-election to ACC

As a Latina business owner and former Chairwoman of the Tucson Hispanic Chamber, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with Lea for many years. Under her leadership, our Chamber grew from 300 to 1,800 members being named the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of the Year in 2013. Lea has tirelessly supported thousands of small businesses, helping them grow and thrive.

As the first Latina to serve in a statewide office in Arizona, Lea’s commitment to our community has been evident throughout her career; over the past five years, she has made a significant impact as an Arizona Corporation Commissioner. As the only Commissioner based outside the Phoenix area, she offers a vital perspective, championing the interests of families and small businesses across the state.

She remains focused on ensuring reliable energy resources to keep businesses running and families safe, particularly during the intense summer heat. My family wholeheartedly supports Lea MΓ‘rquez Peterson for re-election, and we encourage others to back her continued leadership.

Laura Paredes Oldaker


Undecided Voters

Dear friends,

You have expressed concerns about Kamala Harris or said you need to know more about her policies.

Please consider that (in addition to his history of lying, cheating on wives and business associates, bankruptcies and conviction of multiple felonies), Donald Trump has:

  • Suggested injections of bleach to treat COVID-19
  • Questioned whether those on a sinking electric boat would be electrocuted or eaten by a shark
  • Described a "giant faucet," "the size of a wall," that could be used to send Canadian water to Los Angeles and solve the West's water problems in one day.
  • Repeated JD Vance's deliberate falsehood that Haitians are eating pets in Springfield, Ohio (causing bomb threats and school closures).

And you are concerned about Harris? The New York Times cited a David Sedaris joke: Somebody offers you a maggot-infested dead rat or chicken, and you ask, "How is the chicken prepared?" Please stop worrying about the chicken and vote for honesty and character: Vote for Kamala Harris and Vote Blue. Thank you.

Leslie Platt

Oro Valley

So far

Let’s see, so far this year there have been at least 46 school shootings, and two attempted assassination attempts on a private citizen running for president. Both are vulnerable to gun violence. Guess who gets a U.S. House of Representatives’ vote of 405 – 0 to raise protection levels?

Richard Fridena

West side

Short-sighted decision by House

The House of Representatives rejected the Biden administration’s goal of reducing global warming by requiring 2/3 of new car sales be electric cars by 2032. That is a dangerous mistake. Burning ten gallons of gas produces over 190 lbs. of carbon pollution (look it up!) which is captured by the atmosphere or the oceans. Captured by the atmosphere, the sun’s heat can’t bounce off the earth and back into space. The consequence is more violent storms, floods, droughts, wildfires, and more heat deaths. When captured by the ocean, the ocean becomes warmer and more acidic. The consequence is sea level rise and marine life death. Living safely on the earth requires us to quit throwing more carbon-pollution logs into the fire. Changing to transportation powered by electricity will be difficult and expensive. Not changing to cars powered by electricity will be deadly. Let’s do what is hard, not what is deadly. Demand more of Representative Ciscomani.

Mike Carran

East side

No longer a democracy

Re: the Sept. 17 letter "Abolish the electoral college."

As the writer unhappily stated, the US is no longer a democracy! We are a Representative Republic with a union of 50 sovereign states. It is a Democracy because people govern themselves. It is Representative because people choose elected officials by free and secret ballots. It is a Republic because government drives its power from the people.

Concerning her wish to abolish the Electoral College, our Founding Fathers were brilliant creating the EC to ensure that all parts of the country are involved in the selection of the President. Without it, politicians could limit their campaigning to heavily populated areas leaving rural and small towns marginalized. The current EC system created the needed balance between rural and urban interests, ensuring that the winning candidate has support from multiple regions of the country. The Founding Fathers wanted to balance the will of the populace against the risk of "tyranny of the Majority". Without the EC, the election of our President would be controlled mostly by the urban areas of both coasts!

Jeanne Redding

Northwest side

True colors

Donald Trump is obsessed with the color of Kamala Harris which he claims had only recently turned Black. After his debate with Harris he said he will not debate her again although she wants another debate.

Remember, Trump avoided military service by getting five deferments during the Vietnam war. Donald Trump's true color is yellow.

Helen Murphy

Sierra Vista

Humanity first

Nations have improved throughout the centuries, yet the problems regarding poverty, hunger, and conflicts have become more prevalent.

We watch malnourished children, war-torn countries with injured and sick civilians, children are forced to work and are unable to educate themselves. Yet, we tend to ignore these issues because they do not affect us. Everyone deserves a good privileged life.

The Holy Quran emphatically declares that anyone who neglects and does not urge the feeding of poor has rejected and denies the essence of religion.

Humanity First is an organization that provides privileges to individuals affected by poverty and disasters.

Various campaigns are utilized such as disaster relief, water for life, food security, orphan care, community care, and knowledge for life.

Humanity First provides underserved communities with health resources, promotes education, alleviates the burdens of poverty, and it aims to improve standard of living.

Helping with a donation, volunteering or simple word of mouth can mean a world of difference to a struggling person across the world.

Make a difference.

Sohail Qureshi


What Does TRUMP Stand For?

Tyranny Reigns Under My Presidency.

Dennis Winsten, Senior Citizen, Veteran

Northeast side

Juan Ciscomani

Juan Ciscomani gets a lot of negative letters about his performance in Congress. His record is definitely conservative but he has a unique beneficial position on the Appropriations Committee and he has directed a lot of funds to our District. He is a regular guy (first generation immigrant) with a large family who has successfully worked his way up the system. The largest group of people who do not like him are the Elites from North Tucson, Oro Valley and Saddlebrook. The Elites propose to replace with one of their own, Kristin Engel. Ms. Engel is a Tucson attorney from Chicago, and do we really need more attorney’s in our Arizona leadership? How about electing a regular Arizona guy with strong ties to working class people and a family to support as our Congressman?

Douglas Shumway

Green Valley

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